Import Income & Expenses transactions in CSV format

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In this article

This file format is used to export transactions data from an account statement or bank statement with the amounts in plus or minus.

For more information and the data structure of the see "transactions.simple" see the :

Use in Import into accounting

You can import the file by using:

  • Menu Actions->Import into accounting
  • Import to Transaction table
  • The type of file to be used is a "Income & Expenses transactions".


  • Import using clipboard data will use the content of the clipboard instead of the file
  • Autocomplete values: Some fields of the transactions are automatically completed (see "Importing transactions for multicurrency Double-entry accounting").
    Once the import is done, the contra account will have to be entered manually.
  • Unicode (utf-8) The content of the file is in Unicode utf-8 (it supports any character set).








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