Import Accounts

Documentation •
In this article

For creating new accounts, customers, suppliers, cost centers. See Chart of accounts documentation for the list of columns available.

Menu Actions->Import into accounting->Accounts

The type of file to be used is a "TXT with headers.

  • You can use any column name existing on the table
    • Account.
      The account number.
    • Description
      A brief text, organization or customer name
    • BClass
      Required (1,2,3,4).
    • Gr1
      Obligatory. It is also used to order the data when it is imported.
    • Address fields.
  • Fields header in the first line of the file.
    Fields names are case sensitive and must correspond to the NameXml (English) that you find in the Setting Tab of the Columns setup.
  • Fields header and field data must use the tab character as separator "\t"
  • Each line (after a "\n") is a new record
  • The format for the Date fields is yyyy-mm-dd
  • Character code preferably UTF8 or else the local one.

When importing the user can choose to import only the new lines.

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