Chart of accounts | Double-entry accounting

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The Accounts table is the control room of your accounting. It's use is similar to that of an Excel spreadsheet.
In the Accounts table you set up everything you need to manage the accounting and have a quick updated overview of the financial and economic situation of your company.
accounts table

Ready-to-Use Chart of Accounts

Each accounting application by Banana offers a wide variety of chart of accounts templates, already prepared for immediate use. Simply select the file whose template meets your needs, and you'll have the chart of accounts already set up. File templates can be chosen based on the type of business activity and legal regulations.

They have the following characteristics:

  • Fully customizable chart and account structure.
  • Account and group numbers can be numerical or alphanumeric.
  • Ability to add notes or additional columns.
  • Grouping and totals adaptable to any national grouping scheme.
  • Balances, account movements, and totals displayed and always up to date.
  • Cost and profit centers for detailed control of costs and revenues for specific activities or projects.
  • Segments for sector reporting (branch).
  • Customer database, with control over outstanding invoices, reminders, and statements.
  • Supplier database, control over paid and outstanding invoices.
  • Management of off-budget customers and suppliers (with cost center) for cash-based accounting.
  • Off-balance sheet accounts.

new file

Entering and editing data is simple

  • Add and edit accounts quickly and easily by simply inserting or deleting the row.
  • There is no limit on the number of accounts to be added in the Chart of Accounts.
  • Each account can be set up using numbers or texts.
  • The description can also be very long.
  • The Groups and Subgroups can be freely arranged to compose the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement.
  • The opening balances are immediately entered in the opening column.
  • Columns can be added to enter additional information.
  • Accounts can be renamed and replaced automatically in the Transactions table as well.
  • The columns of the amounts are updated instantly, at glance you know the status of liquidity, capital, sales, profit.
  • Then, set the budget and have the comparison with the final balance.

Flexible grouping system

The grouping system is highly flexible and powerful:

  • It allows to set up the Chart of Accounts according to any national scheme and to adapt exactly to the needs of the company.
  • If you are not satisfied with the arrangement or numbering of accounts and groups, these can easily be changed.

The structure present in the Accounts table is also maintained in the presentation of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement.

Main elements

  • Sections 
    They are used to indicate the subdivisions of the chart of accounts for printing the balance sheet, income statement, etc.
  • Groups 
    They allow you to create items that total the accounts and subgroups at multiple levels.
  • Accounts 
    These are the elements of accounting where the movements are recorded. They can be indicated in Debit or Credit depending on the nature of the movement, destination or origin.
    Each account has a number or abbreviation (account number), a description, the B class and group to which it belongs, the opening balance, current balance, estimate, etc.

Customer and supplier data

You can have specific accounts for issuing invoices and checking payments. They are usually set at the end of the chart of accounts. They can be set up as register with the totals linked to the balance sheet, or as cost and profit centers, with all the details but without links to the balance sheet.

Cost and profit centers

Great to manage projects or have precise details of a specific event, or to manage customers and suppliers on the Cash principle (collected).

  • Costs and Profits centers
    They are special accounts whose number is preceded by a full stop ".", a comma "," or by a semi-colon ";". Their purpose is to be able to assign some amounts to special accounts other than the general accounting accounts.


Used to generate financial statements also for different sectors or activities in which the company operates. 

  • Segments
    They are a sort of sub-accounts who's number is preceded by a ":". Their purpose is to be able to assign some transactions to subcategories of the chart of accounts.

Advanced printouts

The following commands allow the user to display and print the accounts in a different way:

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