Opening/Closing days

In this article

Our offices are open from Monday through Friday. Our direct support service is reserved for registered users and is available on work days from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 4 pm. Our basic technical support is free and provides technical information regarding the installation and use of Banana Accounting.

The offices are closed on Saturday and Sunday and on the days that are indicated hereunder.  
During "Limited service days" employees are free to take vacation and the company does not assure support and delivery as usual.

Year 2024
1, 6JanuaryOffices closed
19MarchOffices closed
1AprilOffices closed
1, 9, 20, 30MayOffices closed
29JuneOffices closed
1, 15AugustOffices closed
1NovemberOffices closed
8, 25, 26DecemberOffices closed


Year 2023
1, 6JanuaryOffices closed
19MarchOffices closed
7AprilLimited service
9, 10AprilOffices closed
1, 18, 28, 29MayOffices closed
8, 29JuneOffices closed
1, 15AugustOffices closed
1NovemberOffices closed
8, 24, 25, 26, 31DecemberOffices closed



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