Find and Replace

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The text to be searched and the text to be used as a replacement should be inserted in the same format as the one displayed in the input field. For example, the amounts should be inserted without the separator for the thousands.

Search text
Enter the text to be searched.

Replace with
Enter the replacement text.


Whole words only
If this box is activated, the program will find whole words only. For example, if the word being searched is Tot, it will not find Totals.

Match case
If this box is activated, the program will make a distinction between capital letters and small letters.

Selected area only
If this box is activated, the program will only search the information in the selected area.

Replace all
This key will replace the desired data throughout the whole document at once. When you need to change data that are being repeated in the Accounts, Categories, Transactions and VAT codes tables (for example, an account number or a VAT code), you can also use the Rename function.

This key will replace one data at a time.

Find all
Looks for all the information, according to the entered keyword, and displays it in the Information window in the lower part of the screen.

Find next
Looks for the following information item.




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