Investiments and special exchange rates

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Investments valued at the exchange rate of the time purchase

Certain investments (shares, real estate abroad) are valued using the exchange rate of the time of purchase (historical exchange) and not the current one. The exchange rate profit and loss is not accounted for until it is actually realized. You must therefore make certain these accounts do not get valued using the current exchange rate.

In order to input a fixed, historical exchange, you need to create a supplementary currency on the account table (e.g. USD1) with a fixed exchange rate. This currency will then only be used for this account with a fixed rate. If you have to make a transfer from the USD account to the USD1 account, you proceed exactly as if you were working with two different currencies. For this reason you will have to use a two-line entry.

Opening with special exchange rates

Inputting the opening balances in the “opening” column, foreign currency amounts will be converted to basic currency at the opening exchange rate.
If this system proves not to be flexible enough (you need various special rates or there are rounding differences) the opening can be done manually by making normal entries, indicating the amounts and the exchange rates you want for each account. In this case, the “opening” column of the Accounts table will be left blank.


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