In this article
Account for exchange rate profit
From the accounts list, select the one for the exchange rate profit present in the Chart of Accounts.
Account for exchange rate loss
From the accounts list, select the one for the exchange rate loss present in the Chart of Accounts.
It is possible to select a second currency in order to view the balances in a currency different from the basic one.
It is possible to add new currencies that might be missing from the list, please proceed as follows:
- in the Exchange rates table enter a new row; in the Ref.Currency column enter the basic currency for your accounting file, in the Currency column enter your desidred currency
- From the File menu -> File and accounting properties... command, in the Currency tab the new currency (that you entered in the Exchange rates table) will be visible, and it can be chosen as Currency2.
Decimal points Currency2
This is the number of decimal points to be used when rounding the amounts in currency2.