Suppliers sub-menu

In this article

The features, present in the Suppliers sub-menu (from the Account2 menu), allow you to obtain the following lists: 


Logic for checking Suppliers' invoices

In order for the program to be able to prepare the lists of received invoices:

  • In the Invoice column of the Transactions table, indicate the invoice number.
  • In the Debit or Credit column of the Transactions table, indicate the account number of the Supplier

Also, before entering the transactions:

  • In the Chart of accounts, Supplier accounts and/or groups need to be created
  • If desired, address columns can be added
  • In the Suppliers set up, indicate the Suppliers group or the general Suppliers account.

You also need to choose if, in the Chart of accounts, you need to have:

  • An account for each Supplier.
    This is necessary when the list of invoices needs to be presented separately by supplier.
    In this case, a row needs to be created for the Suppliers and each supplier account refers to this group in the GR column (see hereunder).
  • One single account in which all the Suppliers are contained
    The list of the open, expired invoices will be for all the Suppliers together and not per each individual Supplier.



  • Reports are based on the account currency balances; possible exchange rate differences will not be taken into account.
  • The reports Description column will reproduce the first row description for each invoice.
  • For the accounting files based ont cash received you can setup a suppliers register with the Cost Centers.


Detailed explanations

Setting up Suppliers accounts

  • Setting up the register
  • Activating the address columns (optional)
  • Setting up the suppliers' settings

Entering transactions

  • Displaying the Invoice column in the Transactions table
  • Entering the invoice that is being issued
  • Entering a payment
  • Entering a credit note
  • The Extract invoice rows and Open invoice link commands

Reports and printouts

  • Displaying the open invoices
  • Displaying the expired invoices
  • Displaying the Invoices received from Suppliers

Automatic autocomplete

Example file

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