Items table | Inventory

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In this article

In the Items table, enter all the inventory items which need to be managed. 

Create the items list

All items available in the inventory must be posted individually on each row of the Items table. To total the amounts of a series of items, a adding up group must be entered.

The group is defined in the Group column, at the end of the list of items of the same category. The group number must be reported in the Sum in column for each item.
For further information on the grouping system, please refer to the Grouping System page

You can create further groups of items depending on your requirements.

To complete the registration of the items it is necessary to enter:

  • The Id to identify the item.
  • The description.
  • The initial quantity.
  • The initial price.
  • The unit price.

Items table columns

Columns marked with "*" are protected and calculated by the program.

  • Links
    Link to a digital document.
  • RowGroup
    Column and row to enter the totaling group of a given set of items.
  • RowId
    Enter a value (number, letters or both) to identify the item.
  • Description
    Enter a text for the description of the item.
  • Sum in (in the arrange columns it is written RowGroupIn)
    Enter the totaling group for each item in this column.
  • Notes
    You can insert texts for annotations on items or for other needs.
  • Account
    Enter the account present in the main accounting file that refers to the item.
  • ReferenceUnit
    Insert an abbreviation to indicate the unit (eg pcs to indicate the pieces).
  • QuantityBegin
    Enter the initial quantities referring to the total.
    If you want to manage separate quantities by locations, leave this column blank, and enter the initial quantities as entry transactions, with the corresponding location.
  • UnitPriceBegin
    Initial unit price
    If you want to manage separate quantities for locations, leave this column blank and enter initial quantities as entry transactions, specifying the respective location.
  • *Valuebegin
    Initial item value calculated by multiplying the Initial Quantity and Initial Unit Price.
  • *QuantityPlus
    Total quantity of items resulting from the sum of the Quantity Plus in the Transactions table. Both the positive and negative values are added. The internal movements between two locations are not added up, when there is TransferId indicated.
  • *QuantityMinus
    Total quantity of items resulting from the sum of the QuantityMinus in the Transactions table.Both the positive and negative values are added.The internal movements between two locations are not added up, when there is TransferId indicated.
  • *QuantityChange
    Difference between the item's inbound and outbound quantities.
  • *QuantityBalance
    Quantity of items currently in stock. Sum of the starting quantity and the Quantity change.
  • UnitPrice
    Unit price of the item, that must be entered manually.
  • *AmountTotal
    Amount calculated by the program based on quantities and unit price.
  • ItemQuantityEffective
    For insertion of actual quantity when inverntory has been done.
  • ItemPriceEffective
    The actual quantity multiplied by the actual price.
  • *ItemValueEffective
    The actual quantity multiplied by the actual price
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