Complete examples
Account statement - account and period choice
// Banana Accounting Extension Javascript
// @api = 1.0
// @id =
// @description = Tutorial: Return an account statement for the given account and period
// @task = app.command
// @doctype = nodocument
// @publisher = SA
// @pubdate = 2019-01-25
// @inputdatasource = none
// @timeout = -1
function exec() {
//Create the report
var report = Banana.Report.newReport('Report title');
//Function call to add the footer to the report
//Function call to take a list of all the account numbers
var accountList = getAccountsList();
//Open a dialog window asking to select an item from the list. The selected item is then saved into a variable
var accountNumber = Banana.Ui.getItem('Account selection', 'Select an account', accountList, 0, false);
//Open a dialog windows taskint the user to choose a period
//Return an object with the attributes 'startDate', 'endDate' and 'hasSelection' or undefined if the user clicked cancel
var date = Banana.Ui.getPeriod('Period selection', '2015-01-01', '2015-12-31');
//Check if user has clicked cancel, then use the default startDate/endDate (whole year)
if (date) {
var openingDate = date.startDate;
var closureDate = date.endDate;
// 1. TITLE //
//Take the description of the given account and add it to the paragraph
var accountDescription = Banana.document.table('Accounts').findRowByValue('Account', accountNumber).value('Description');
report.addParagraph("Account statement" + " - " + accountNumber + " " + accountDescription, "styleTitle styleBottomBorder");
report.addParagraph(" ");
// 2. TABLE //
//Create a table object with all transactions for the given account and period
var transTab = Banana.document.currentCard(accountNumber, openingDate, closureDate);
//Create the table that will be printed on the report
var table = report.addTable("myTable");
//Add column titles to the table report
var tableHeader = table.getHeader();
tableRow = tableHeader.addRow();
tableRow.addCell("Date", "styleTableHeader");
tableRow.addCell("Description", "styleTableHeader");
tableRow.addCell("Contra Account", "styleTableHeader");
tableRow.addCell("Debit amount", "styleTableHeader");
tableRow.addCell("Credit amount", "styleTableHeader");
tableRow.addCell("Balance", "styleTableHeader");
//Add the values taken from each row of the table (except the last one) to the respective cells of the table
for (var i = 0; i < transTab.rowCount - 1; i++) {
var tRow = transTab.row(i);
tableRow = table.addRow();
tableRow.addCell(tRow.value("JContraAccount"), "styleAccount");
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JDebitAmountAccountCurrency')), "styleAmount");
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JCreditAmountAccountCurrency')), "styleAmount");
if (Banana.SDecimal.sign(tRow.value('JBalanceAccountCurrency')) >= 0) {
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JBalanceAccountCurrency')), "styleAmount");
} else {
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JBalanceAccountCurrency')), "styleBalance styleAmount");
//We add last row (totals) separately because we want to apply a special style only to this row
for (var i = transTab.rowCount - 1; i < transTab.rowCount; i++) {
var tRow = transTab.row(i);
tableRow = table.addRow();
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleDateFormat(tRow.value('JDate')), "styleTotal");
tableRow.addCell(tRow.value("JDescription"), "styleTotal");
tableRow.addCell(tRow.value("JContraAccount"), "styleAccount styleTotal");
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JDebitAmountAccountCurrency')), "styleAmount styleTotal");
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JCreditAmountAccountCurrency')), "styleAmount styleTotal");
if (Banana.SDecimal.sign(tRow.value('JBalanceAccountCurrency')) >= 0) {
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JBalanceAccountCurrency')), "styleAmount styleTotal");
} else {
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JBalanceAccountCurrency')), "styleBalance styleAmount styleTotal");
//Functin call to create all the styles
var stylesheet = createStyleSheet();
//Print the report
Banana.Report.preview(report, stylesheet);
//This function adds a Footer to the report
function addFooter(report) {
//This function take from Banana table 'Accounts' all the account numbers and create a list
function getAccountsList() {
var arrList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Banana.document.table('Accounts').rowCount; i++) {
var tRow = Banana.document.table('Accounts').row(i);
if (tRow.value("Account")) {
return arrList;
//The main purpose of this function is to create styles for the report print
function createStyleSheet() {
var stylesheet = Banana.Report.newStyleSheet();
//Page style
var pageStyle = stylesheet.addStyle("@page");
pageStyle.setAttribute("margin", "20m 15mm 15mm 25mm");
//Footer style
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".img");
style.setAttribute("width", "50%");
style.setAttribute("height", "auto");
style.setAttribute("text-align", "center");
//Title style
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleTitle");
style.setAttribute("font-size", "14pt");
style.setAttribute("font-weight", "bold");
//Bottom border
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleBottomBorder");
style.setAttribute("border-bottom", "1px solid black");
//Create a table style adding the border
style = stylesheet.addStyle("table");
style.setAttribute("width", "100%");
stylesheet.addStyle("table.myTable td", "border: thin solid black");
//Style for the table titles
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleTableHeader");
style.setAttribute("font-weight", "bold");
style.setAttribute("padding-bottom", "5px");
style.setAttribute("background-color", "#ffd100");
style.setAttribute("color", "#1b365d");
//Style for account numbers
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleAccount");
style.setAttribute("padding-bottom", "5px");
style.setAttribute("text-align", "center");
//Style for amounts
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleAmount");
style.setAttribute("padding-bottom", "5px");
style.setAttribute("text-align", "right");
//Style for balances
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleBalance");
style.setAttribute("color", "red");
//Style for the total of the table
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleTotal");
style.setAttribute("font-weight", "bold");
style.setAttribute("padding-bottom", "5px");
style.setAttribute("background-color", "#b7c3e0");
style.setAttribute("border-bottom", "1px double black");
return stylesheet;
Account statement - more accounts print (without accounts/period choice)
// Banana Accounting Extension Javascript
// @api = 1.0
// @id =
// @description = Tutorial: Return a multiple accounts statements
// @task = app.command
// @doctype = nodocument
// @publisher = SA
// @pubdate = 2019-01-25
// @inputdatasource = none
// @timeout = -1
function exec() {
//Create the report
var report = Banana.Report.newReport('Report title');
//Function call to add the footer to the report
//First function call to create the page of the report
createReport(report, '1010', '2015-01-01', '2015-12-31');
//Add a page break after the first page
//Second function call to create the second page of the report
createReport(report, '1011', '2015-01-01', '2015-12-31');
//Functin call to create all the styles
var stylesheet = createStyleSheet();
//Print the report
Banana.Report.preview(report, stylesheet);
//The purpose of this function is to create a report using the given accounts number and period
function createReport(report, accountNumber, openingDate, closureDate) {
// 1. ADDRESS //
//Read from the table 'Address' some informations and save them
var namePrefix = Banana.document.table('Accounts').findRowByValue('Account', accountNumber).value('NamePrefix');
var firstName = Banana.document.table('Accounts').findRowByValue('Account', accountNumber).value('FirstName');
var familyName = Banana.document.table('Accounts').findRowByValue('Account', accountNumber).value('FamilyName');
var organisationName = Banana.document.table('Accounts').findRowByValue('Account', accountNumber).value('OrganisationName');
var address = Banana.document.table('Accounts').findRowByValue('Account', accountNumber).value('Street');
var countryCode = Banana.document.table('Accounts').findRowByValue('Account', accountNumber).value('CountryCode');
var postalCode = Banana.document.table('Accounts').findRowByValue('Account', accountNumber).value('PostalCode');
var locality = Banana.document.table('Accounts').findRowByValue('Account', accountNumber).value('Locality');
var telephone = Banana.document.table('Accounts').findRowByValue('Account', accountNumber).value('PhoneMain');
var email = Banana.document.table('Accounts').findRowByValue('Account', accountNumber).value('EmailWork');
//Add a section to the paragraph for the address
var sectionAddress = report.addSection("styleAddress");
//Check if there are the desired address informations, then add them to the paragraph
if (organisationName) {
if (namePrefix) {
if (firstName && familyName) {
sectionAddress.addParagraph(firstName + ' ' + familyName);
if (address) {
if (countryCode && postalCode && locality) {
sectionAddress.addParagraph(countryCode + ' - ' + postalCode + ' ' + locality);
if (telephone) {
sectionAddress.addParagraph('Tel: ' + telephone);
if (email) {
sectionAddress.addParagraph('Email: ' + email);
// 2. TITLE //
//Take the description of the given account and add it to the paragraph
var accountDescription = Banana.document.table('Accounts').findRowByValue('Account', accountNumber).value('Description');
report.addParagraph(" ", "styleParagraph");
report.addParagraph("Account statement" + " - " + accountNumber + " " + accountDescription, "styleTitle styleBottomBorder");
report.addParagraph(" ");
// 3. TABLE //
//Create a table object with all transactions for the given account and period
var transTab = Banana.document.currentCard(accountNumber, openingDate, closureDate);
//Create the table that will be printed on the report
var table = report.addTable("myTable");
//Add column titles to the table report
var tableHeader = table.getHeader();
tableRow = tableHeader.addRow();
tableRow.addCell("Date", "styleTableHeader");
tableRow.addCell("Description", "styleTableHeader");
tableRow.addCell("Contra Account", "styleTableHeader");
tableRow.addCell("Debit amount", "styleTableHeader");
tableRow.addCell("Credit amount", "styleTableHeader");
tableRow.addCell("Balance", "styleTableHeader");
//Add the values taken from each row of the table (except the last one) to the respective cells of the table
for (var i = 0; i < transTab.rowCount - 1; i++) {
var tRow = transTab.row(i);
tableRow = table.addRow();
tableRow.addCell(tRow.value("JContraAccount"), "styleAccount");
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JDebitAmountAccountCurrency')), "styleAmount");
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JCreditAmountAccountCurrency')), "styleAmount");
if (Banana.SDecimal.sign(tRow.value('JBalanceAccountCurrency')) >= 0) {
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JBalanceAccountCurrency')), "styleAmount");
} else {
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JBalanceAccountCurrency')), "styleBalance styleAmount");
//We add last row (totals) separately because we want to apply a special style only to this row
for (var i = transTab.rowCount - 1; i < transTab.rowCount; i++) {
var tRow = transTab.row(i);
tableRow = table.addRow();
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleDateFormat(tRow.value('JDate')), "styleTotal");
tableRow.addCell(tRow.value("JDescription"), "styleTotal");
tableRow.addCell(tRow.value("JContraAccount"), "styleAccount styleTotal");
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JDebitAmountAccountCurrency')), "styleAmount styleTotal");
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JCreditAmountAccountCurrency')), "styleAmount styleTotal");
if (Banana.SDecimal.sign(tRow.value('JBalanceAccountCurrency')) >= 0) {
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JBalanceAccountCurrency')), "styleAmount styleTotal");
} else {
tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(tRow.value('JBalanceAccountCurrency')), "styleBalance styleAmount styleTotal");
//This function adds a Footer to the report
function addFooter(report) {
//The main purpose of this function is to create styles for the report print
function createStyleSheet() {
var stylesheet = Banana.Report.newStyleSheet();
//Page style
var pageStyle = stylesheet.addStyle("@page");
pageStyle.setAttribute("margin", "20m 15mm 15mm 25mm");
//Footer style
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".img");
style.setAttribute("width", "50%");
style.setAttribute("height", "auto");
style.setAttribute("text-align", "center");
//Title style
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleTitle");
style.setAttribute("font-size", "14pt");
style.setAttribute("font-weight", "bold");
//Bottom border
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleBottomBorder");
style.setAttribute("border-bottom", "1px solid black");
//Create a table style adding the border
style = stylesheet.addStyle("table");
style.setAttribute("width", "100%");
stylesheet.addStyle("table.myTable td", "border: thin solid black");
//Style for the table titles
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleTableHeader");
style.setAttribute("font-weight", "bold");
style.setAttribute("padding-bottom", "5px");
style.setAttribute("background-color", "#ffd100");
style.setAttribute("color", "#1b365d");
//Style for account numbers
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleAccount");
style.setAttribute("padding-bottom", "5px");
style.setAttribute("text-align", "center");
//Style for amounts
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleAmount");
style.setAttribute("padding-bottom", "5px");
style.setAttribute("text-align", "right");
//Style for balances
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleBalance");
style.setAttribute("color", "red");
//Style for the total of the table
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleTotal");
style.setAttribute("font-weight", "bold");
style.setAttribute("padding-bottom", "5px");
style.setAttribute("background-color", "#b7c3e0");
style.setAttribute("border-bottom", "1px double black");
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleAddress");
style.setAttribute("position", "absolute");
style.setAttribute("left", "0mm");
style.setAttribute("top", "0mm");
style.setAttribute("width", "80mm");
style.setAttribute("height", "30mm");
style.setAttribute("overflow-shrink-max", "0.6");
style.setAttribute("overflow", "shrink");
//Add a space between the date and the title
style = stylesheet.addStyle(".styleParagraph");
style.setAttribute("margin", "112px");
return stylesheet;
Export a value from Banana into a text file (.txt)
// Banana Accounting Extension Javascript
// @id = ch.banana.apps.export
// @api = 1.0
// @doctype = *.*
// @description = Tutorial: Export a value from Banana into a text file (*.txt)
// @task = export.file
// @exportfiletype = txt
// @timeout = -1
// It is possible to export data only into external files.
// In this example we take an account balance and we export it into a txt file.
// A dialog window asks the user to insert the file name and choose where to save it.
function exec() {
//Take the balance (opening + debit-credit) for the given account and period
var exportResult = Banana.document.currentBalance('1000', '2015-01-05', '2015-02-07').balance;
//Specifies a value to be returned that will be exported into the txt file
return exportResult;
Export Tutorial2 javascript codes
// Banana Accounting Extension Javascript
// @id = ch.banana.apps.exportjavascriptcodestutorial2.js
// @api = 1.0
// @publisher = SA
// @description = Tutorial: Export javascript codes of the tutorial 2 examples
// @task = export.file
// @doctype = *.*
// @docproperties =
// @timeout = -1
// @exportfiletype = js
//Main function
function exec() {
//Check if we are on an opened document
if (!Banana.document) {
//Take the table Documents
var documents = Banana.document.table('Documents');
//We check if the table Documents exists, then we can take all the codes
//If the table Documents doesn't exists, then we stop the script execution
if (!documents) {
} else {
//We use this variable to save all the codes
var jsCode = '';
jsCode += '// Copyright [2018] [ SA - Lugano Switzerland]' + '\n';
jsCode += '// ' + '\n';
jsCode += '// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");' + '\n';
jsCode += '// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.' + '\n';
jsCode += '// You may obtain a copy of the License at' + '\n';
jsCode += '// ' + '\n';
jsCode += '//' + '\n';
jsCode += '// ' + '\n';
jsCode += '// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software' + '\n';
jsCode += '// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,' + '\n';
jsCode += '// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.' + '\n';
jsCode += '// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and' + '\n';
jsCode += '// limitations under the License.' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n';
//Function call to get all the tutorial's codes
jsCode = getJavascriptCode(jsCode, documents);
return jsCode;
//Function that, for each tutorial's example, gets the javascript code and save it into the jsCode variable.
function getJavascriptCode(jsCode, documents) {
//Read row by row the table Documents
var len = documents.rowCount;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
//Create a variable for the row
var tRow = documents.row(i);
//We get some values
var fName ="Base", "FileName").replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ''); //the file name (without path)
var id = tRow.value("RowId"); //the id of the example
var description = tRow.value("Description"); //the description of the example
var attachments = tRow.value("Attachments"); //the javascript code of the example
//We consider only the rows that contain an id, a description and an attachment
if (id && description && attachments) {
//At the beginning of each code, we insert some information
jsCode += "/** " + '\n';
jsCode += " File: " + fName + '\n';
jsCode += " Id: " + id + '\n';
jsCode += " Description: " + description + '\n';
jsCode += "*/" + '\n';
//we add the code of the attachments
jsCode += attachments;
//At the end of each code, we insert some new lines
jsCode += '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n';
//Finally we return the variable containing all the codes of all the examples
return jsCode;
Export Tutorial2 javascript codes to HTML
// Banana Accounting Extension Javascript
// @id = ch.banana.apps.exporthtmljavascriptcodestutorial2.js
// @api = 1.0
// @publisher = SA
// @description = Tutorial: Export javascript codes of the Tutorial 2 examples in HTML
// @task = export.file
// @doctype = *.*
// @docproperties =
// @timeout = -1
// @exportfiletype = html
//Main function
function exec() {
//Check if we are on an opened document
if (!Banana.document) {
//Take the table Documents
var documents = Banana.document.table('Documents');
//We check if the table Documents exists, then we can take all the codes
//If the table Documents doesn't exists, then we stop the script execution
if (!documents) {
} else {
//We use this variable to save all the codes
var jsCode = '';
//Function call to get all the tutorial's codes
jsCode = getJavascriptCode(jsCode, documents);
return jsCode;
//Function that, for each tutorial's example, gets the javascript code and save it into the jsCode variable.
function getJavascriptCode(jsCode, documents) {
//Read row by row the table Documents
var len = documents.rowCount;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
//Create a variable for the row
var tRow = documents.row(i);
//We get some values
var fName ="Base", "FileName").replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ''); //the file name (without path)
var section = tRow.value("Section"); // the section column used to define the title type
var id = tRow.value("RowId"); //the id of the example
var description = tRow.value("Description"); //the description of the example
var attachments = tRow.value("Attachments"); //the javascript code of the example
attachments = attachments.replace(/</g,'<'); // replace the < symbol
attachments = attachments.replace(/>/g,'>'); // replace the > symbol
//For tilte h2 we conside only rows with section h2
if (section && section === "h2") {
jsCode += '<h2>' + description + '</h2>\n';
//For js codes we consider only rows with section h3, id, description and attachment
else if (section && section === "h3" && id && description && attachments) {
jsCode += '<h3>' + description + '</h3>\n';
jsCode += '<pre><code class="language-javascript">\n';
jsCode += '// Banana Accounting Extension Javascript' + '\n';
jsCode += attachments;
jsCode += '\n';
jsCode += '</code></pre>\n';
//Finally we return the variable containing all the codes of all the examples
return jsCode;