In this article
It is necessary to have downloaded and installed the latest version of Banana Accounting Plus.
Import 2024 VAT codes
All users who have their own coding for VAT codes must update the VAT Codes table according to the new rates with their respective reference figures. We recommend consulting the VAT Codes table in Banana Accounting Plus.
To update the VAT Codes table in your accounting file, proceed as follows:
- Make a backup copy of your file to be safe
- Open your accounting file
- Select from the menu Actions > Import to accounting > Import VAT codes
- Select Switzerland New VAT Rates 2024
- Confirm by clicking on the OK button
- From the dialog that appears there are two options:
- Add new codes and new groups
To be used when you want to maintain your VAT codes. In this case the program adds the new VAT codes leaving the existing ones unchanged. If the VAT codes to be added already exist in the table, but have a different rate or grouping, they will be inserted by adding '-1' to the name. - Replace all rows (recommended choice)
Use this command if you don't need to maintain the existing VAT code page.
In this case, the VAT code table is completely replaced with the new table.
Existing VAT accounts are retained and need to be reviewed after the update. The default VAT account can be changed via the File Properties dialog (basic data).
- Add new codes and new groups
- Check the accounting
From Actions menu > Check accounting.
If there are incorrect VAT codes in the transactions table, you need to update them according to the new VAT Codes table.
To replace the old VAT codes in the Transactions table, you can use the command from the menu Data > Search and replace.
If the VAT codes have also been entered in the Accounts table, to associate the VAT codes to the accounts, these must be updated.
Update the VAT Codes table in the Estimates and Invoices application
It is not possible to automatically update the VAT Codes table in the Estimates and Invoices application, as explained in the previous paragraphs.
ID codes and percentage VAT rates must be updated manually each time there are changes.
Alternatively, you can also follow this procedure:
- Open a new Banana template for Estimates and Invoices, which has updated VAT codes
- Go to the VAT Codes table
- Copy and paste the entire table from the template to your Estimates and Invoices file.
For more details, refer to the VAT Codes table in Estimates and Invoices page.