In this article
Banana users can rest assured: in case of doubts, errors or problems, the solution can be found in no time.
Here are all the support tools in detail, and see also the Interface page.
Online documentation
Banana offers an extensive Online documentation with simple explanations and explanatory images. There is also a practical search box where you can enter the keywords of the desired themes.
Info window
At the bottom of the screen is the Info window, where you will find information about the table and the cell in which your mouse is. Any errors are displayed in red.
Help button
By clicking on the Help button of the dialog that opens after an error, you are directly transferred to the online documentation page where you can find all the information to solve the problem.

Messages window
By clicking on the question mark next to the error message in the lower window, you will be automatically tranferred to the online help page where the possible causes of the error and the relative solutions are listed.
If you double-click on the message, the program will place your cursor on the row where the error is located.
F1 key
You can use the F1 short-cut key anytime: you be immediately directed to the online documentation page related to the table and cell in which you are located with your cursor.
Check your accounting file
There is a practical command that performs extensive checks on the entire file and is easy to use:
from the Actions menu → choose the Check accounting command.
This is one of the most useful commands: all the accounting is checked, the balances are recalculated and the user is warned of any errors are found.
The errors are then added to the messages list (in the Messages windows) and can be viewed one by one.
Rare cases
Computer configurations can be very different.
Banana Accounting Plus is known to run without problems on most systems, but in rare cases some problems may occur. For more information visit the Rare Cases page.