Loans table

In this article

In the Loans table you can enter the checked out items, the expiration date and the return date.


  • Date
    The date of the loan.
  • ItemId
    The item number. A search can be made based upon the title.
  • ContactId
    The contact number. A search can also be made based upon the name, family name, place.
  • Expiration date
    The projected date for the item's return.
    If you enter "+30", the program proposes the date that comes 30 days later.
  • Return date
    Enter the return date.

How to manage the loans

Loan of a book

  • Add a new line and indicate the date of the loan (useful shortcut: hitting dot "." on your keyboard will automatically generate the current date!)
  • In the Item Id column, as you start typing the title of the book or library user, the program will display all choices available in your database; just select the right option and press the F6 key: the program will automatically fill the Item Id and Description cells.
  • In the Expiration column (date of return for the book) the program automatically enter a date 30 days after your current date, but you can manually change it: you can enter the number of actual days (for example +40) to generate the correct return date (40 days later).


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