Examples DocumentChange operations on columns

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With the DocumentChange it is also possible to perform operations on columns, in case you want to modify, add or replace a column.

Columns properties 

  • alignement
    • type: text
    • values: left|right|center
  • description
    • type: text
  • header1
    • type: text
  • header2
    • type: text
  • name
    • type: text
  • nameXml
    • type: text
  • width
    • type: number
    • values: in mm, max value 10000
  • definition
    • type: object
    • values: text, number, amount, date, time, bool, timestamp, timecounter, links,textmultiline, markdown, mime, textencrypted, Default value: text
    • decimals
      Number of decimals for types amount and number. Default value: 2
  • operation
    • values: add|delete|modify|move|replace


   "name": "MyColumn",
   "nameXml": "MyColumn",
   "description": "This is my column with an amount",
   "header1": "MyColumn",
   "definition" : {
      "type": "amount",
      "decimals": "4"
   "operation": {
      "name": "add"

Example adding a column

The following example shows how to append a column to the Accounts table. If you indicate the sequence, the column will be inserted at the given position. try this operation

    "format": "documentChange",
    "error": "",
    "data": [{
        "document": {
            "dataUnits": [{
                "data": {
                    "viewList": {
                        "views": [{
                            "columns": [{
                                    "alignement": "center",
                                    "description": "center column",
                                    "nameXml": "CenteredColumn",
                                    "header1": "My Header 1",
                                    "header2": "My Header 2",
                                    "width": 200,
                                    "operation": {
                                        "name": "add",
                                        "sequence": 0
                            "id": "Base",
                            "nameXml": "Base",
                            "nid": 1
                "id": "Accounts",
                "nameXml": "Accounts",
                "nid": 100

Example modifying a column

The following example shows how to modify the existing column at line 2 in the Transactions table.

    "format": "documentChange",
    "error": "",
    "data": [{
        "document": {
            "dataUnits": [{
                "data": {
                    "viewList": {
                        "views": [{
                            "columns": [{
                                "header1": "NewDescription XXXX",
                                "nameXml": "Description",
                                "operation": {
                                    "name": "modify",
                                    "sequence": "1"
                            "id": "Base",
                            "nameXml": "Base",
                            "nid": 1
                "id": "Transactions",
                "nameXml": "Transactions",
                "nid": 103

Example replacing a column

The following example shows how to replace the existing column at line 24 in the Transactions table.

    "format": "documentChange",
    "error": "",
    "data": [{
        "document": {
            "dataUnits": [{
                "data": {
                    "viewList": {
                        "views": [{
                            "columns": [{
                                "nameXml": "Amount",
                                "header1": "AmountAsText",
                                "definition": {
                                    "type": "text"
                                "operation": {
                                    "name": "replace",
                                    "sequence": "23"
                            "id": "Base",
                            "nameXml": "Base",
                            "nid": 1
                "id": "Transactions",
                "nameXml": "Transactions",
                "nid": 103

Example deleting a column

The following example shows how to delete the existing column at line 2 in the Accounts table.

    "format": "documentChange",
    "error": "",
    "data": [{
        "document": {
            "dataUnits": [{
                "data": {
                    "viewList": {
                        "views": [{
                            "columns": [{
                                "nameXml": "Description",
                                "operation": {
                                    "name": "delete"
                                    "sequence": "1"
                            "id": "Base",
                            "nameXml": "Base",
                            "nid": 1
                "id": "Accounts",
                "nameXml": "Accounts",
                "nid": 100

Example moving a column

The following example shows how to move the existing column to line 2 in the Transactions table. To know the number of a column, double-click on the header of one of them, in the dialog that opens you can see all the available columns, they are represented in ascending order. values start from 0.

    "format": "documentChange",
    "error": "",
    "data": [{
        "document": {
            "dataUnits": [{
                "data": {
                    "viewList": {
                        "views": [{
                            "columns": [{
                                "nameXml": "Description",
                                "operation": {
                                    "name": "move",
                                    "sequence": "2"
                "nameXml": "Transactions"


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