Credit card registration with advance payment

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Advance payment on Credit cards

Before taking you through the procedure, check that an account for Credit card exists in the liabilities part of the Chart of Accounts. Create it if that is not the case.

The credit card account is added to the group or sub-group of short-term debts, as long as this is pre-requisite of the Chart of Accounts selected. If there are no sub-groups, it must be listed in the liabilities section.

Entering a credit card account


An amount of  CHF 1'000.- is transferred from the bank account to the credit card.

  • In Debit the credit card account is recorded
  • In Credit the bank account with which the payment is made is recorded.

Transfer from bank to credit card account

Register your credit card bill

When the credit card bill arrives, you must record all charges listed on the credit card and reverse the credit from the credit card account.


The credit card statement shows a total of CHF 749.- (detail: CHF 479.- for computer purchase, CHF 150.- for hotel expenses, CHF 120.- purchase of office supplies) (Doc.10)

Enter on several rows:

  • All costs related to the expenses listed on the credit card are recorded as a Debit; you post a cost per line.
  • Enter your credit card account as a Credit.

Record credit card invoice

Check the credit card account balance

Each time you pay an advance towards the credit card and once all the costs listed on the credit card have been recorded, you must verify that the credit card balance matches the balance stated on the credit card.

Account card for the credit card account


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