Embedded Extension

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Embedded Extensions are extensions written in JavaScript and saved directly in the Documents table of the accounting file. They work exclusively in that specific file without requiring installation. Once created, they are immediately ready to use.

Add an Embedded Extension

  1. Open an accounting file in Banana Accounting Plus.
  2. Ensure the Documents table is enabled:
  3. Add the extension in the Documents table:
    • In the ID column enter a name for the extension.
    • In the Description column enter a comment.
    • In the Attachments column, attach the JavaScript code with a double click on the cell or select the edit symbol in the top right corner, then select Javascript code and confirm with OK.

      banana embedded extension javascript
    • An editor where you can write your javascript code opens.

      banana javascript embedded extension
    • When you are finished, confirm with OK, and save the accounting file.

Run the Extension

You have two options to run the embedded extensions:

  • From the Documents table, click the run symbol in the Attachments cell containing your code.
  • From the Extensions menu, select the extension from those listed.

banana javascript embedded extension

More information

Documentation for developers:

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