Gestisci velocemente i conti di un condominio (PPP) con questo modello su misura di Banana Contabilità Plus. Ottieni in automatico bilancio e conto economico. Gestisci i comproprietari attraverso il partitario. I conti sono già impostati a tal fine e se ritieni opportuno puoi sempre personalizzarli secondo le tue necessità.
Gestisci velocemente i conti di un appartamento o immobile a reddito con questo modello su misura di Banana Contabilità Plus. Ottieni in automatico bilancio e conto economico. Gestisci gli inquilini attraverso il partitario. I conti sono già impostati, ma puoi sempre personalizzarli secondo le tue necessità.
Start easily and FOR FREE the income/expense accounting of your Corporation and get immediately the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet. The income and expense system is also ideal for those with limited accounting knowledge. This ready-to-use generic template can be adapted according to your needs, to also manage the accounting of your company, sole proprietorship, partnership or small or medium business. Banana Accounting Plus is a professional software that is very intuitive and fast to use because it's similar to Excel. If you make mistakes you can always correct until everything is perfect.
Ideal template to manage the accounting of a property or an apartment (real estate), simply entering the income and the expenses. The list of tenants are managed with a cost center.
Simple template for keeping control over construction costs. See the difference between budgeted, assigned and actual amounts, both by cost type and for artisans and businesses. Allows you to allocate resources in the best possible way and avoid overruns. Ideal for architects and contractors. Use it like Excel, but it's more complete, simpler and faster.
File with accounts and categories to simply manage your vacation expenses. It is based on income and expense accounting and can therefore manage expenses from different accounts, such as cash, bank account, credit card. Both accounts and categories can be customized according to your needs. Some sample entries have been entered and can be deleted later.
Ideal for managing family or private accounting, with cost centers.
Create your family or personal budget to manage your Household accounts and save money, using this simple template suitable for anyone with Income & Expense accounting.
Easily start log your boat's income and expenses and know right away how much your boat costs and how much you spent on fuel, maintenance, food and all other categories. Link transactions with a digital receipt and get rid of paper. Prepare the budget and you also have cash forecast and comparisons. Easily present accurate reports to the shipowner.

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