In this article
After downloading Banana Accounting, it is possible that you will have to import data from another accounting software.
Banana Accounting allows you to easily import all the data you need in an existing Banana file (template for UAE included in the software or an accounting file created by you).
Import information in the clients/suppliers register (accounts table)
Each customer or supplier must be registered at the bottom of the accounts table. It is essential to complete this section because without it, it will be impossible to generate the invoices.
To import these information to Banana, follow these guidelines:
- Create a CSV file with your old accounting software.
- Use as an example this file.
- The first row must include the names of the columns in the “accounts table”.
- Create a row for each customer and supplier.
- Delete existing customers and suppliers in the new Banana Accounting file. This way, you will only have the updated information.
- Click on “Account1”-> “Import to accounting”-> select “Text file with column headers”.
- Select the CSV file you previously created.
- Check the accounting. Click on “Account1”-> “check accounting”.
Import transactions in the "transactions table"
Importing transactions to Banana Accounting files is easy.
Follow these guidelines: