In this article
Every widget defined in a ui file is exposed to the script engine.
You can get a particular widget through it's name and the method findChild:
For every widget you have access to:
- properties
- public slots
- signals
If a method is not defined as public slot in c++ qt api, it will not be available to the script engine. Some widgets are wrapped so that you have access to additional methods, see next chapter Wrapped widgets.
For complete examples see the page Script dialogs or the tutorial JavaScript Tutorial 1 (documents 740 'QTableWidget interaction' and 742 'Find dialog').
// Load ui file var dialog = Banana.Ui.createUi("ch.banana.scripts.find.ui"); // Get the label/widget through it's name var statusLabel = dialog.findChild('statusLabel'); // Set the text of label/widget statusLabel.setText('Hello!'); // Connect button box accepted signal to the dialog close method var buttonBox = dialog.findChild("buttonBox"); buttonBox.accepted.connect(function() {dialog.close();});
You have three ways to connect signals to methods.
// Method1: Connect a signal to a function function findNext() { Banana.console.log('find next'); } findNextButton.clicked.connect(findNext); // Method2: Connect a signal to an object method var object = {} object.onClicked = function() { Banana.console.log('clicked'); }; findNextButton.clicked.connect(object, object. onClicked); // Method3: Connect a signal to an inline function findNextButton.clicked.connect( function(){Banana.console.log('clicked');} );
Wrapped widgets
The widgets listed below have been wrapped to let you use additional methods that are not exposed to the script engine because they are not declared as public slots.
Hereby only the additional available methods are listed. Their usage and parameters correspond to the c++ counterpart.
addItem(text) addItems(texts) count() insertItem(index, text) insertItems(index, texts) removeItem(index)
Since: Banana Experimental 9.1.0
currentColumn currentRow
currentItem() item(row, column) setColumnWidth(column, width) setEditTriggers(triggerFlag) setHorizontalHeaderLabels(labels) setColumnCount(columns) setCurrentCell(row, column) setRowCount(rows)
background checkState flags foreground text