De kolommen van de tabel Journaal

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De kolommen in de tabel Journaal kunnen naar uw wensen worden aangepast.

Via Data > Columns setup you can display further columns or hide those you don't need, change existing headers, add your own columns and change the format.

In the columns, the program always works with hours and minutes, eg. 8:30 means 8 hours and 30 minutes:

  • Internally, the values are saved as seconds and then displayed in the hours and minutes format.
  • When entering schedules, the times are rounded to the minute.


The column is protected. It is used by the programme to make a distinction between rows used for data entry and system-specific rows.

Rows used for data entry and editing (working hours, absences, holidays, etc.) have an empty cell in the Section column.

System-specific rows, used by the programme to make calculations, have a special identification code in the Section column cell.
This code must not be changed, otherwise the sums may be wrong.
Examples of codes used: AllStart, YearStart_2020, MonthStart_202001, MonthTotal_202001, MonthBalance_202001, SpaceAfterMonth_202001.

The value is an identification code consisting of several elements:

  • All - Refers to year rows.
  • Year - Refers to year rows.
  • Month - Refers to the month rows.
  • Week - Refers to the week rows.
  • Day - Refers to the day rows.
  • CarryForward - Carry-forward rows of hours and holiday balances from the previous year. Carryovers are automatically inserted by the programme in the file's Properties, for both positive and negative values.
  • Start - Start Rows. To enter start values (planned holidays, holiday adjustments).
  • Total - Rows where totals are indicated. They are summed in the total rows (daily time columns, Start and CarryForward adjustments).
  • Balance - For the holiday balance. This is the difference between the sum of the holidays, found in the CarryForward and Start rows, and the sum of the daily holidays.
  • SpaceAfterMonth -To indicate that there should be an empty line (year, month or day to which the identifier refers).


Protected column. Is used for entering the date of the day.


Column for setting the day. If the cell remains empty, the value set in the File Properties is taken over, or the value defined with the W code (see below).

The possible values are:

  • Blank - business day.
  • 0 - to set the current day as a holiday (row displayed in red).
    If it is a day that is generally considered as a "public holiday", but on which you are required to work, you must enter "working".
  • 1 - to set the current day as non-working (row displayed in blue).
  • 2 - to set the current day as a working day. Overrides the default value.
  • [0] - festive day set automatically, as per the File Properties. No value is indicated in the Due column.
  • [1] - non-working day set automatically, as per the File Properties. No value is indicated in the Due column.
  • W0 - to set the current day as festive. On the same day, in the following weeks it will be automatically set with the  (0) value.
  • W1 - to set the current day as non-working day. On the same day, in the following weeks it will be automatically set with the (1) value .
  • W2 - to set the current day as a working day. On the same day, in the following weeks it will be automatically set with the (2) value.
  • WR - to reset the current day with the value indicated in the File Properties.
  • WA - to reset the current day with the value indicated in the File Properties. On the same day, in the following weeks it will be set automatically with the value indicated in the file properties.

Day description

Column used by the program for automatic insertion of the name of the day, based on the date.
If you want a text other than that reported by the program, insert a text preceded by the # character (eg #Christmas, #National holiday).


Column for entering an additional description.


Column to indicate any customer, project or other number.

Work1 and Work2

The columns Work1 and Work2 are used in particular to register working hours in the Time Sheet - Systematic 2023 template. Furthermore, in the Banana Accounting Plus version they can be used to enter special working hours (e.g. nights, holidays).
Supplement columns are also used in parallel with these columns (see explanations below).

Start1, Stop1, Start2, Stop2 ...

These columns allow entry and exit times to be entered. There can be several entries and exits on the same day.
The programme calculates the time of attendance and adds up in the columns Total and Difference.

Sick leave

Column for entering the hours of absence due to illness.


Column for entering holiday hours.


Mandatory absences, such as military service, community service or other, can be entered.


Column for entering an adjustment value.


Other types of absence, not indicated in the Service or Sick or Holiday column, may be entered.


Protected column. It is used by the programme to automatically calculate the sum of absences.


You can enter the percentage of supplementary work that is paid differently.
If you do both hours without supplement and hours with supplement on the same day, you must enter the times on two lines:

  •  Add day row
  • The first line indicates the work (start and end) normally.
  • On the second line you indicate the supplementary hours and the appropriate percentage.
    If you want the daily total directly in the table, you must add a daily total row.

Surcharge calculated

The column is protected. It is used by the programme to calculate theovertime, indicated in the Supplement or Supplement % column.

Surcharge total

The column is protected. It is used by the programme to calculate the total additional time, indicated in the Surcharge or Surcharge % column.
This value is added to the Total Hours column.


The column is protected. It is used by the program for automatic entry of the sum of working hours, overtime, absences and adjustments.

Due Code

The column is used, in case of need, to change the value of the Due (hours of work due).
If it is left blank, the Due value is automatically resumed day by day based on the settings in the File → File Properties → Start menu.
If you wish to change the Due value from the Journal table:

  • Reset due.
    Codes to be entered in the Due Code column to reset the daily due from the row in which you are. The new value must then be entered in the Due column.
    • DS (Set Today) - Set the due hours of the current day, without changing the other days.
    • WS (Set Week Day) - Sets the hours due for the day and for the same day of the following weeks.
    • PS (Set Predefined) - Sets the due hours for the day and for all subsequent days without a different setting
  • Daily Due Reset Codes
    • WR (Reset Week Day) - Reset the default value for the day of the week.
    • WA (Reset All Week Days) - Resets all the default values for the days of the week.
    • PR (Reset Predefined) - Reset general default. Removes the default value set previously.
    • PA (Reset Predefined and Week Days) - Reset the general default and those of the week. It is like starting everything anew.
  • Progressive reset code
    • RP (Restart progressive) - Restarts the value of the Progressive column from zero. You insert this code in the beginning of month row, when all hourly salaries, when all the hours of the previous month have been paid.


The column is protected. The program automatically calculates the difference between the hours worked and those due. At the end of the month and year, the totals of the Due are also reported.

  • If there are no values in the Due Code column, the program resumes, the values present in File Properties - Start in the Due Code column.
  • If codes are entered in the Due Code column (see previous paragraph), the program calculates the due based on these codes.
  • All rows that have 0 (holiday) or 1 (non-working) in the Festive column, the cell will remain empty in the Due column.


The column is protected. The program automatically calculates the difference between the hours worked (Total) and those due (Due). At the end of the month and at the end of the year, the totals of the difference are also reported.


The column is protected. The program automatically calculates the difference between the hours worked (Total) and those due (Due). At the end of the month and at the end of the year, the totals of the difference are also reported.


The column is protected. It is used by the program for the automatic calculation of the sum of the hours worked.


The column is protected. It is used by the program to automatically display work details (eg projects). Also see details in Managing projects.


You can enter the additional working time paid differently, in hours and minutes. It can also be used to manage reclaims or penalties for delays or other.

Split1 and Split1

Columns that can be used to track hours invested in projects.

Hours in decimal format

You can also enter the hours in digital format (1.5 = 1:30).

  • If you enter a value preceded by the sign ">" or "<" (greater or lesser), the program considers it as a decimal value and converts it to hours and minutes:
    • "<1.50" is converted to 1:30
    • "<1.75" is converted to 1:45 an hour and three quarters.
  • In the hour counter, enter the number of hours with the decimal separator. For example, if you enter 1.75, the program displays the value in hours and minutes (1:45).

Display in digital format

  • The info window also indicates the value of the hours in decimals.
  • In the monthly printout certain values are also referred to as decimals (this is because payroll programs often work with decimals).

Speed up insertion

  • Go to the current day.
    • The row of the current day is the one marked in yellow.
    • Actions → Go to today menu.
  • Enter the time of entry and exit.
    • With the "." computer time is entered.
    • If for example, you enter +5 or -5 (or any other number), the program displays the current time with 5 minus plus minutes to the computer time.
  • Copy from the previous week.
    Using the Actions → Copy menu, the times of the previous week are resumed.
  • Take over the value of the previous row.
    Use the Actions → Copy menu from above (or button F4 or Cmd 4).
  • Vacation or Absence Auto-Completion.
    Go to cell modification (with a space) and the program suggests the hours due, minus the hours already performed.

Hour column blocks

The hours columns of the Journal table are organized into blocks, as explained below.

Hours worked columns

These are the columns used to indicate the daily working hours. The working time carried out in the day can be entered in two ways:

  • As hours worked - data is entered in the Work1 and Work2 columns.
    In the Banana Accounting Plus version, all columns of the hour counter type starting with TimeWork are considered hours worked.
  • As time of entry and exit - data is entered in the columns Start1, Stop, Start2, Stop2, etc.
    The program will calculate the time elapsed.

Total hours worked

In the Total hours worked column, the hours indicated in the hours worked columns and those indicated as Start and Stop times are summed.

In the Banana Accounting Plus version there is also the total Detail column. If the Row Type contains the value "D", the working hours are summed in the Detail column and not in the Total column. 

Extra hours

These columns are only available in the Banana Accounting Plus version.
They are used to insert surcharge hour. For example, in the case of holiday or night work which involves a surcharge.
The Extra Total is the sum of the extra hours, indicated as hours, and those calculated as a percentage.


Absences are entered in the Sickness, Holidays, Service or Other columns, as appropriate.
These hours are totaled in the Absence column (TimeAbsenceTotal) and then in the Total column. When calculating the difference between the hours due, absences are considered as paid.
In the Banana Accounting Plus version all the time counter columns starting with TimeAbsense are added to the total absence. The user can add absence columns for other cases.
If you need to keep track of the absences that do not have to be added to the Total hours, you have to add columns of the Hour counter type.


This column is used for accounting adjustments, as in the case of extra hours having been made and paid; then to scale them from the total, enter the value with the negative sign in the Adjustments column.

The Total hours

Is the sum of the total hours, considered as hours to be counted and as part of the amount due. It includes the following columns:

  • Total hours worked.
  • Total supplements.
  • Totale absences.
  • Adjustments.

Hours due

The Spreadsheet allows you to indicate the hours due. In the case of a Fixed rate salary contract, the hours of the working days are indicated per contract.
In the case of hourly wages, without a fixed number of hours included in the contract, the hours owed part is generally not used.

The employee's daily working time is indicated in the Due column. The value is indicated on the basis of various parameters (see columns of the Journal table):

  • The working hours settings, indicated in File properties → Start.
  • The Festive column.
    The program completes the value due only for the days indicated as Business.
  • The Due Type column
    By indicating a code, the content of the Due daily column can be set differently.

Difference and Progressive hours

In the Difference column, the program indicates the difference in hours between the Total and the Due.
In the Progressive column, the program indicates the cumulative difference.
If no Due has been indicated, the Progressive corresponds to the sum of the hours worked. This value can be reset by inserting the RP (Progressive Restart) code in the Due Type column.


They are information columns that are used to indicate hours allocated to projects.

Journal Table - Additional Columns

In Banana Accounting Plus columns have been added for the calculation of the supplement (festive, night) and for the management of multiple lines for the same day.


The column is protected. It is used by the program to automatically display work details (eg projects). See Project management.


You can enter the additional work time paid differently, in hours and minutes. It can also be used to manage recoveries or penalties for delays or other.


You can enter the percentage of additional work that is paid differently.
If both hours without supplement and hours with supplement are worked on the same day, the times must be entered in two lines:

  • Add day row
  • The first row will indicate the work (start and end) normally.
  • The second row will indicate the extra hours and indicate the appropriate percentage.
    If you want the daily total directly in the table, you will have to add a row for daily total.

Surcharge calculated

The column is protected. It is used by the program to calculate the overtime, indicated in the Supplement or Supplement% column.

Total Surcharge

The column is protected. It is used by the program to calculate the total overtime, shown in the Supplement or Supplement% column.
This value is summed in the total hours column.

New user columns

You can add columns which are then totaled into groups. The Xml name of the column must be of type time counter and must start as follows:

  • TimeWork. Added to the total work.
  • TimeSurchargeManual. Added to the total work.
  • TimeAbsence. Added to the total absences.
  • TimeSplit. Summed in the TimeSplitTotal if existing.

You can define the columns to indicate the hours of a project, also added up in the TimeWork, or, the hours of absences for training or other, considered absences and counted in the total absences.

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