Single File Extension

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In this article

Single file extensions are Extension files that are composed of a single file that resides locally.

Developing a single file extension

You can easily develop a single file extension:

  • Create a new Javacript file on you computer using a text editor.
  • Structure the code as explained in the Extension file.
  • Once Extensions are installed you can use with any accounting file.
    Extension linked to an accounting file are installed automatically at startup.
    • A single file extension that reside on a local computer. 
    • An extension package that can  contains other multiple extensions and other resources. 


Install a single file extension

Before using a single file extension you are required to Install it.

Running a single file extension

Once the local extension is installed, it will be listed in the Extension Menu or in the appropriate setup listing (invoice printing, export).

The program, prior to running an extension, will read the content of the file. So if you change the content and save to a file, the program will always run the latest version. 



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