Tables and Columns References

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In Banana Accounting Plus there are different types of accounting files, each with specific Tables and Columns.

See in detail how the tables and columns are structured for the different types of accounting files:

The name Xml

Each table and each column in Banana Accounting Plus have a unique internal name called "name Xml". These Xml names:

  • Are always in english.
  • Cannot contain spaces or special characters.
  • Are used to identify specific tables and columns.
  • Cannot be changed for default tables and columns; can only be changed for additional tables or columns.
  • Are used in Banana Accounting Javascript extensions to access and read and retrieve the contents of tables and columns.


Depending on the type of accounting file the tables change. These are the main distinctions of accounting files with a list of the tables:

  • Income & Expense accounting or Cash Manager tables (name Xml):
    • Accounts, Categories, Transactions, Budget, VatCodes, Items, Documents, Extract, FileInfo
  • Double-entry accounting tables (name Xml):
    • Accounts, Transactions, Budget, Totals, VatCodes, Items, Documents, Extract, FileInfo
  • Multi-currency accounting tables (name Xml):
    • Accounts, Transactions, Budget, Totals, VatCodes, ExchangeRates, Items, Documents, Extract, FileInfo

In case of accounting without VAT, the VatCodes table and all the VAT columns in any table are not present, regardless of the type of accounting file.

Each table is used for a specific purpose and has dedicated columns.


Each table is composed by multiple rows with specific columns. The various columns that compose a row contain various information depending on the context and table you are in.

Each column is constructed in the following way:

  • nameXml.
    String value. It is the unique name that the program uses as a reference to access and read the contents of the column.
  • alignment.
    String alue. It is the alignment of the text inside the column (left, center, right).
  • dataType.
    String value. It is the type of data the column contains (Text, Number, Amount, Date, Time, booleab, link).
  • decimal.
    Integer number value. It is the decimal points for rounding in case of amount type column.
  • description.
    String value. It is the column description. This description will be shown as a tooltip.
  • excludeFromPrinting.
    Boolean value. When this option is activated, the field will be excluded from printing.
  • header.
    String value. It is the header of the column shown in the table.
  • header2.
    String value. It is the header2 of the column shown in the table.
  • style.
    Properties to apply a style to a column.
    • objectName.
      Not used.
    • backgroundColor.
      The background color of the column.
    • color.
      The color of the text in the column.
    • fontSize.
      The font size of the text in the column.
    • bold.
      Boolean value to set the bold style of the text in the column.
    • italic.
      Boolean value to set the italic style of the text in the column.
  • visible.
    Boolean value. This option allows to make a column visible.
  • editable.
    Boolean value. This option allows to make a column editable.
  • width.
    Float number. This option allows to set the width of the column

The following is an example in JSON format of the Description column of the Accounts table.

      "nameXml": "Description",
      "alignment": "left",
      "dataType": "text",
      "decimal": "",
      "description": "",
      "excludeFromPrinting": "",
      "header": "Description",
      "header2": "",
      "style": {
        "objectName": "",
        "backgroundColor": "",
        "color": "",
        "fontSize": 10,
        "bold": false,
        "italic": false
      "visible": true,
      "editable": true,
      "width": 600



Banana Accounting's grouping system is used to totalise the amounts of accounts and groups automatically. The program gives the maximum flexibility to create as many levels of totalling as wanted. 

The grouping system is used:

  • In the Accounts and Categories tables to define the structure of the Balance sheet and Profit & Loss Statement.
  • In the VatCodes table to group VAT codes .
  • In the Items table to group items.

How Grouping works

Grouping is always based on two columns:

  • Group column, contains the identifiers of each group, which can be textual or numeric.
  • Gr column, indicates the grouping for each account or group row, specifying which totalization group it belongs to.

Each group row represents a total row, where:

  • Group balances are the sum of all rows that list the group name in the Gr column.
  • The program automatically calculates the totals for all columns with numeric values, including both predefined ones (such as "Opening" or "Balance") and any added manually.

This system allows for the creation of multiple levels of grouping.

Example: For the accounts "Cash," "Post," and "Bank," a "Liquidity" group is created. By entering "Liquidity" in the Gr column for each account, the program automatically sums the balances of Cash, Post, and Bank in the Liquidity total row.

 CashThe cash accountLIQUIDITY100
 PostThe post accountLIQUIDITY80
 BankThe bank accountLIQUIDITY220
LIQUIDITY Total Liquidity 400


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