Betaalopdrachten voor open facturen

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The new Payments function allows you to create payment orders (pain.001) starting from a list of transactions or from reading the QR codes of invoices received.

The pain.001 files are XML messages that contains details of the payments to be made and that can be uploaded to the portal of the major financial institutions. Banana currently supports the Swiss payment standards.

This document explains the procedure for creating a payment order starting from a list of open supplier invoices booked in your accounting file. If you want to understand how payments work in Banana, we recommend reading the document Payment orders PAIN.001.

Prerequisites and important notes

  • Currently the payment functionality is available in the Dev-Channel version, so please install the latest version of Banana Accounting+ Dev Channel.
  • This extension works only with the Advanced Plan, you can request a 1 month promo code from our support service.
  • The extension is currently in Beta Test, please check everything and report any problem.

How to create a pain.001 payment order

  1. Open your accounting file (double entry accounting or income-expense accounting ) or download our example file
  2. The first time, install the Payment functionalities
  3. Set up the debit bank account, which will be used when creating the payment order. In the Accounts table, select the debit account and complete the following data (Address view)):
    - Name, surname or company name (bank account holder)
    - IBAN (IBAN account of the bank or postal account to be debited)
    - Bank clearing (BIC code of the financial institution to be debited)
  4. Check and update the address and payment information of your suppliers in the Accounts table (Address view).
    If you don't have a list of suppliers, please define it according to our explanation in the Suppliers section.

    accounts payable
  5. Enter the invoices of your suppliers in the Transactions table. You don't need to add any payment information, as it will be added automatically by the program.

    open invoices
  6. Select the command Reports→ Suppliers → Create file from open invoices
    The program will create the payment/data for each open invoice and append it to the transactions table. These transactions, won't affect the accounting result
  7. create payment file from open invoices
  8. The dialog 'Payment file' will appears, select the invoices you want to pay and click on the next button

    create payment file from open invoices
  9. Complete with the name, IBAN and BIC of the account to be debited, click on the next button

    create payment file
  10. A summary of the payment file is displayed and you can specify where to save it. Click on Finish, you will be asked to save the payment file, which you can upload to your bank. Note: In Banana it's not possible to connect to your bank and transmit the file, you need to upload the file from your computer into the bank app or website.

    create payment file
  11. After saving the XML file, a new transaction row with the object payment/file will be added to the end of the Transactions table. 
    create payment file
  12. When a payment order is created, the respective payment records are not created in Banana, since the file must be sent to the bank, which will confirm the payment or non-payment (e.g. if the debit account is incorrect, the orders will not will be executed). To automatically create the payment transactions, it is possible to import the bank's CAMT.054 file into Banana, which contains all the payments made. To display payments individually on the account statement, the "Individual booking" option must be activated, otherwise only the total amount will be displayed on the account statement.


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