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The class Banana.Translations.Translator let you translate strings.



Returns the context of the translator.


Returns the language of the translator.


Returns true if the translator is valid.

An invalid translator simply returns the text untranslated as written in the source code.


tr(text [, disambiguation , n])

Translate a string in the language and context of the translator

// Get translator for the document's language
var documentLanguage = "en"; //default
if (Banana.document) {
    documentLanguage = Banana.document.locale.substring(0,2);
var docTranslator = Banana.Translations.getTranslator(documentLanguage, "MyReport");

// Translate to the document's language
var myReportTranslatedText =;

translate(context, text [, disambiguation , n])

Translate a string in the language of the translator in the specified context.

// Get translator for the document's language
var documentLanguage = "en"; //default
if (Banana.document) {
    documentLanguage = Banana.document.locale.substring(0,2);
var docTranslator = Banana.Translations.getTranslator(documentLanguage, "MyReport");

// Translate to the document's language
var myReportTranslatedText = docTranslator.translate("MyReport", myReportTexts.account_card);

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