Excample DocumentChange FileProperties

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When changing data to the File Properties (Header, date begin, date end) the change is structured like a change to the table, but using a special table "InfoFile". 

See: Menu > Tools > Info File for the list of elements.

Structure of the DocumentChange

  • You can only use the operation "Modify".
  • The extension can change only the elements that the user can change. 
  • The element to change are specified with the elements
    • SectionXml
      For example "SectionXml":"Base"
    • IdXml
      For example "IdXml":"HeaderLeft"
  • The value to be changed
    • ValueXml
      For example "ValueXml":"Changed header1 with documentChange"


Example changing file properties

The following example shows how to change accounting data properties as accounting header.

                                    "ValueXml":"Changed header1 with documentChange"
                                    "ValueXml":"Changed header2 with documentChange"


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