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    Trial Balance


    This Extension create a Trial a Balance sheet and Profit & Loss Statement.

    Install the extension

    To install the extension:

    • Open Banana Accounting Plus.
    • Menu Extensions > Manage Extensions.
    • In the search field enter Trial Balance.
    • From the extensions list select Trial Balance.
    • Select the extension and click Install.
    • Click Close to close the window.

    Create the report

    To creare the report:

    1. Open an accounting file.
    2. From the Extensions menu select the Trial Balance.
    3. Select the period.

    For the given period, display a Trial Balance report containing:

    • Balance sheet
    • Profit & Loss

    The details displayed are the following:

    • Account
    • Account description
    • Debit amounts
    • Credit amounts


    Example of Trial Balance report:



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