In diesem Artikel

    Time Sheet Export


    This extension exports the Time Sheet table of Banana. Exported data can be used in Excel with the Pivot Tables to build your own reports.


    Install the extension

    To install the extension:

    • Open Banana Accounting Plus.
    • MenuExtensions > Manage Extensions.
    • Select Universal as country.
    • Select english as language.
    • Select Online > Productivity.
    • From the extensions list select Time Sheet Export.
    • Click Install.
    • Click Close to close the window.

    Export the time sheet columns

    To export the columns of the time sheet table:

    • Open a time sheet file type.
    • From the Extensions menu select the Time Sheet Export.
    • In Settings dialogue choose the time sheet columns you want to export, then click OK.
    • From the Print Preview of the generated report select the Copy to Clipboard command in the top bar.
    • Open Excel and paste the copied content. Columns headers and data will be copied in Excel. From there you can use it to create your own reports.


    timesheet export

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