In diesem Artikel

    Calculate interest on account (exact days 365/365)


    Compute the interest debit and credit for the account and rate you specify, based on the exact days. Suitable to calculate interest pro rata.

    Install the extension

    To install the extension:

    • Open Banana Accounting Plus.
    • Menu Extensions > Manage Extensions.
    • In the search field enter Calculate interest on account (exact days 365/365).
    • From the extensions list select Calculate interest on account (exact days 365/365).
    • Select the extension and click Install.
    • Click Close to close the window.

    Create the report

    To creare the report:

    1. Open an accounting file.
    2. From the Extensions menu select Calculate interest on account (exact days 365/365).
    3. Enter the account number.
    4. Select the period.
    5. Enter the interest rate on debit balance.
    6. Enter the interest rate on credit balance.

    A window with results is displayed. You can copy, save and print the results. The transactions list can be paste into the table Transactions.

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