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    Trial Balance and Blockchain (Quarter periods)


    This extension creates a report containing the table Accounts and at the end the blockchain for the selected quarter period.


    To use this extension you must download and install Banana Accounting Plus.

    Install the extension

    To install the extension:

    • Open Banana Accounting Plus.
    • Menu Extensions > Manage Extensions
    • Select Universal as country.
    • Select Online > Productivity.
    • From the extensions list select Trial Balance and Blockchain (Quarter periods).
    • Click Install to install the extension.
    • Click Close to close the window.

    Create the report

    To creare the report:

    1. Open an accounting file.
    2. From the menu File > File and accounting properties, in the Header left and Header right fields enter the texts to be printed on the left and right in the page header.
    3. From the Extensions menu select Trial Balance and Blockchain (Quarter periods).
    4. In Settings dialogue select the period, set the header texts, the title and font, then click OK to create the report.

    The texts of the settings dialog and column headers in the printout are fixed and are in the same language as the Banana file (defined from the menu File > File and accounting properties > Other > Current language). The languages that can be used are Italian, French, German and English.

    Settings dialogue

    Run the extension from the menu Extensions > Trial Balance and Blockchain (Quarter periods).

    The extension Settings dialogue will open. From here you can choose some parameters to print the report.

    • Period.
      Select a period from the list. The periods are divided into three quarters. 
    • Header left text.
      Insert another text to be printed on the left side of the page header.
    • Header right text.
      Insert another text to be printed on the right side of the page header.
    • Title.
      Insert text to be printed as title of the page.
    • Font family.
      Insert the font type.
    • Font size.
      Insert the font size for all the page texts.
    • Title font size.
      Insert the font size for the title.
    trialbalance quarter settingstrialbalance quarter report



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