In diesem Artikel

    Time sheet - systematic 2024

    Time sheet

    Work hours are recorded with start and end times; notes can be written down, reimbursements made, days of illness or additional work can be recorded. The program calculates the totals and any differences with the due hours.

    In Banana WebApp öffnen

    Öffnen Sie Banana Buchhaltung Plus in Ihrem Browser ohne Installation. Passen Sie die Vorlage an, geben Sie die Transaktionen ein und speichern Sie die Datei auf Ihrem Computer.

    Vorlage im Banana WebApp öffnen

    Dokumentation zur Vorlage

    Work hours are recorded with start and end times; notes can be written down, reimbursements made, days of illness or additional work can be recorded. The program calculates the totals and any differences with the due hours.

    Important: The festive days contained in the model are to be updated manually according to your country/region.

    To use the Time Sheet application, download the available file and follow the instructions on our page How to start a Time Sheet.

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