
Teacher Tools for accounting exercises correction

Teacher Tools is an innovative suite tailored for educators teaching double-entry accounting. It streamlines the correction process, freeing up teachers for higher-level tasks.

00:32 - Teacher's tasks
00:47 - Student's tasks
01:01 - Exercises correction

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Accounting Exercises Correction
Banana Accounting Plus
Teacher Tools is an innovative suite tailored for educators teaching double-entry accounting.
It streamlines the correction process, freeing up teachers for higher-level tasks.

How it works in 3 steps
Step 1: Teacher assigns various double-entry accounting exercises.
Step 2: Students complete these exercises using Banana Accounting Plus.
Step 3: Teacher Tools automatically compares student files with solution files, finding errors, displaying correct solutions, and calculating scores.

Teacher's tasks
The teacher prepares exercise assignments, invoices, and receipts.
Creates a Banana Accounting file template with a predefined accounting plan.
Prepares a solution file containing correct transactions.

Student's tasks
All students receive an empty accounting file.
They insert the transactions in the Transactions table.
Finally they return the completed file to the teacher via email or cloud storage

Exercises correction
For each student's file, the teacher uses the "Exercises Correction" extension.
The extension prompts for the solution file and compares transactions.
The compared transactions are added to the student's file.
Correct transactions are highlighted in green, incorrect ones in red.
You can immediately see which transactions are wrong.
Automated scoring and additional information are provided.
The teacher can manually adjust scores as needed.


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