Install an Extension

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In Banana Accounting anyone can create Extensions to add new functionalities.

Install an Extension from a local file

  • In Banana select from the menu Apps the command Manage Apps...
  • Click on Add from file...

    Manage Banana Apps dialog
  • Choose your JavaScript (.js) file
  • Click on Open to install the App
  • Click on Close to close the Manage Banana Apps dialog

At this point, the BananaApp is installed and ready to be used.

Important information:

  • Once installed, the file .js needs to always remain in the same directory.
  • If the App is modified, the program will always use the last version.

Run the Extension

In Banana select from the menu Apps the App you have installed.

Uninstall the Extension

  • In Banana select from the menu Apps the command Manage Apps...
  • Select an App from the Installed section and click on Uninstall

    Manage Banana Apps dialog
  • Click on Close to close the Manage Banana Apps dialog



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