Currency symbol not found


  1. The currency symbol you are using is not in the Exchange rate table, nor is the basic currency or the currency2.
  2. During the bank statement transactions import  the Destination account (the bank account in your accounting plan) was not indicated.
  3. During the bank statement transactions import  the Destination account (the bank account in your accounting plan, Accounts table) was indicated, but the Currency symbol (Currency column) is missing, or you indicated an account whose currency is not indicated in the Exchange rates table.


  1. Check the currency symbol (Exchange rates table, Currency column), and change it with one existing in the Exchange rates table.
  2. Delete the transactions that you just imported, and import them again, specifying as destination account an account existing in your accounting plan (ex. bank).
  3. Delete the transactions that you just imported. Make sure that in the Accounts table, Currency column, for all accounts there is a currency existing in the Exchange rates table. Then, from the Account1 menu choose the Check accounting command, so you can verify that your corrections were accepted. Now you can import the transactions again.


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