Outline to create new file

In this article

The language used for the columns headers of the various tables.

Decimal points for amounts
In order to avoid accounting differences, the number of decimal points for the amounts is fixed for each file. Two decimal points are normally used, but there are currencies where decimal points are not required so 0 needs to be inserted.

Decimal points for amounts in foreign currency
If using multi-currency accounting, then it is necessary to define the number of decimal points for the amounts in the foreign currency as well.

Rounding type
The amounts are rounded up or down to the closest whole number. In the case of exactly half (for example: 100.5 / 101.5 / 102.5 / 103.5) the following systems are being used:

  • Banking (Half at even) is being rounded up or down towards the nearest even number (100 / 102 / 102 / 104).
  • Commercial/Arithmetic (Half up) is being rounded up to the next whole number (101 / 102 / 103 / 104). In accounting, this is the system most used.
  • Compatible version 4. A minor precision is being used, which in very special cases, can bring forth a different rounding.

Address fields in accounts table
When this option is activated, the Address view is created in the Accounts table. In this view, the user can enter the addresses of clients, suppliers and members.

Budget Table
When this option is activated a Budget Table is created, where the user can enter his budget transactions.

The user can thus create different accounting files, in different languages, and with different decimal points. In order to change the language or the decimal points once the accounting file has been created, the accounting type must be converted by selecting Convert to new file from the Tools menu.


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