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Movements relating to the assignment of work are entered in the Assignments table.

When entering a assignment, the Company account and the category to which it refers must also be entered.

assignments table

Once you have entered the data, you can use the report to see the overall situation and deviations from the estimate budget. You can also see the assignment amounts in the Categories table, they are listed in the 'Assignments ' column so that you can have a quick comparison with the other values.

Create assignments movements

You can create Assignments transactions in an easy and fast way. From the Extensions menu choose Construction Project StatementCreate transactions for assignments . The extension takes the data from the Categories table and for each cost category you have defined creates a transaction with the following fields:

  • Date: Current Date.
  • Description: Description present in the column of the same name in the Categories table.
  • Expenses: Amount of the estimate budget. At the time you define the exact amount of the assignment, you can change the amount.
  • Category: Name of the category.
  • Company: Initially, each assignment is assigned a default "Unassigned" company, as soon as the assignment is assigned to a company, enter the correct name, referring to the companies you have defined in your chart of accounts.

When you start the extension, a dialog is shown with a summary of the changes that will be made, by pressing OK, the changes will be confirmed and executed. On the contrary, if you press Cancel the operation will be cancelled. You can execute this command every time when you add new categories to which you assign an estimate budget, starting the extension again will create the movements of the assignment only for the new elements.

deliberations document change dialog

Alternatively, you can always choose to record the assignment manually.


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