Error: cannot create backup file

While saving, it was not possible to create the backup file.


The program is trying to save the existing file by creating a backup copy (for more info see the Save page).
The operating system prevents, however, to carry out the operation.

  • You cannot rename the existing file "filename.ac2" because this file is protected.
  • You cannot erase the "filename.ac2.bak" file.

Possible causes include:

  • You are working on a directory without writing permissions
  • The existing file has been opened by someone else on another computer, in another session or it is locked by another process.
  • The "filename.ac2.bak" is write-protected.


  • Save the file with another name to avoid losing the changes made.
  • Find out the possible cause.
  • Manually delete the file "filename.ac2.bak"


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