In this article
The Timesheet allows companies that don't own an automatic time recording system to have a modern data collection system.
This offers several advantages:
- You enter the times worked quickly and the totals are displayed immediately, without any waste of time.
- Precise calculation, errors are avoided.
- Comprehensive, it allows you to take note of absences, holidays.
- Schedule of working hours and holidays.
- Display differences between agreed and effective hours worked.
- Flexible and adaptable to any type of contract.
- Expandable via addition of columns.
- Reports are compliant with legal requirements.
- Can also be used for project management.
- Entirely free of charge.
- Can be used on any desktop and mobile operating system.
Self-declaration of hours worked
The Banana Accounting Timesheet allows each employee to input their hours individually and to always be in control of their situation.
The month-end report will summarize all the necessary information. You can also create specific reports for specific needs, if required.
Centralized data entry
The Timesheet is also suitable if the employer collects the data of the hours delivered by the employees.
Hours can be attributed to projects or whatever else is needed.
Provide templates for your company's employees
Each company has different requirements.
To facilitate keeping hours for your employees, it is useful to prepare Timesheet files that serve as templates, with presets:
- Annual holidays.
- The columns for the type of data collection required (systematic, simplified, mixed).
- The columns for the type of salary.
- The columns for absences.
- Additional columns for reimbursable expenses, projects and notes on the progress of the work can also be added.
Specific reports
Extensions allow you to create specific reports, tailored to the needs of a company.
Version for employers
We are thinking about developing an application for employers that will allow for the collection and consolidation of the data contained in the files managed by employees, for statistical or other purposes.
Should there be a wider interest in such a tool, please report it to us via the contact form, by also indicating which functionalities would be of interest to you.