Banana 7

This documentation is outdated

The most complete and up-to-date documentation is the one of Banana Accounting Plus: Try it now

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Web Server


Excel, Word, Access and other software have the ability to integrate documents and data that is made available throught the internet protocol.
To have the possibility to retrieve the Banana Accounting data from other software, Banana include a web server, and a RESTful API, that can be accessed through http protocol.

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Manage Apps


This dialog window allows you to install, remove and execute Banana applications.

List of available applications

In this list you can find all the application that you added (installed).

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Command line

Banana can be started by giving a series of command (for a list of command and examples file see below).

Example: open a file
banana80.exe c:\temp\example.ac2


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File info

The File info command, from the Tools menu, displays the characteristics of a file.


By activating the Complete view also the Xml columns are displayed, through which it is possible to transfer the values automatically when exporting the table.

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Associate .ac2 files with the most recent Banana version

When the Banana Accounting program is being installed, the "Associate Banana Accounting 8 with the AC2 file extension" option is activated by default; as a result all the accounting files will be opened with the new version.

If, when clicking directly on the file before opening the program, it should occur that the file gets opened with a previous version of Banana Accounting, this problem can be solved in the following way:


In this article

Transaction types

Avoid mistakes with Banana Accounting Plus

In order to facilitate checking your accounting work and to immediately find differences, in Banana Accounting Plus, our new version, we added the Balance column in the Transaction table. You can now see potential differences on each row and you can correct them right away. It is a very useful feature when closing the accounting period.
