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    Credit Suisse - Import account statement .csv (outdated version)


    This extension is obsolete: it refers to an old .csv format from Credit Suisse.
    Banks occasionally change and update their .csv formats.
    The updated version of this extension can be found on the page Credit Suisse - Import account statement .csv (Banana+ Advanced).

    Credit Suisse makes the transactions of the account available in two formats, ISO 20022 and .csv.
    This extension refers to an old Credit Suisse .csv format, which can only be used to import .csv files from a few time ago into Banana.

    This Banana App imports the transactions from Credit Suisse Bank statement in CSV format.
    You can install this import App with Menu App->Manage apps.

    If possible use the ISO20022 file form format that is also provided by Credit Suisse and install the relative Import App for Swiss ISO20022 Camt 052, 053, 054.

    The updated version of the filter can be found on the following page: Credit Suisse - Import bank account statement (*.csv).

    See also page: Import extensions.



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