Images and screenshot

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Images should be used (only when necessary) to illustrate the description of a process, not to replace it.

Please use the following specifications for screenshots in the documentation, apps and templates pages:

  • When showing the full window please use the 1280x800 size found in the control/command + 3 menu. Make sure to zoom enough (140% if possible) for users to see relevant information.
  • When showing only the table please use the 1280x800 size found in the control/command + 3 menu. Make sure to zoom enough (Between 120%-140% if possible) for users to see relevant information. Naturally,  when capturing the table only, the height will be adapted and does NOT need to be 800px. It is, however, important to format the table as best as you can to make it look tidy and curated, spanning the entire width of the table.
  • When showing a print preview of a report please please use the 1280x800 size found in the control/command + 3 menu and resize the print preview dialog to the width and height of the full window. Zoom out to 85% and capture.
  • Format the tables as best as you can to make it look tidy and curated.
  • When showing a dialog, capture the dialog and exclude the other parts of the window.

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