Import bank transactions (Camt ISO20022) [BETA]

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This new feature allows you to update your accounting by automatically importing bank transactions from Camt files (052, 053, 054). Thanks to this innovation, you can:

  • Accelerate the entire transaction recording process.
  • Reduce the risk of manual errors.
  • Avoid duplicates, since only transactions not yet present in your accounting are imported.

The program reads the Camt files from a selected folder, saves their content in a local database, and detects any new transactions not yet recorded. These are then proposed for import into your accounting, greatly simplifying financial management. Once imported, you can leverage auto-completion rules to further streamline your work.

This feature is currently in BETA version, available for experimental use with Banana Accounting Plus (Advanced plan) in double-entry or income & expense accounting. We welcome any suggestions and feedback to improve it.


Data Preparation

Before starting the import, make sure you meet the following requirements:

  • Organizing Camt Files:
    Create a dedicated folder containing all the Camt (*.xml) files you want to import into your accounting.
    You can organize the files within the folder as you prefer, for example, by accounting year or by financial institution.
  • Access Permissions:
    Ensure that the selected folder is both readable and writable by the program. This guarantees the proper saving of data and import information.
  • Setting IBANs:
    For each account in the accounting file, make sure you have entered the IBAN in the 'BankIban' column of the 'Accounts' table.
  • Swiss Camt ISO20022 Reader Extension:
    Install the Swiss Camt ISO20022 Reader extension. This is required for the program to correctly interpret Camt files and start the import process.

First Use

The first time you use the "Import bank transactions (Camt ISO20022)" command, the program will ask you to select the folder containing the Camt files. This choice will be saved, so that for subsequent imports the program will automatically use the same folder without asking for the path again.

Note that the first execution may take longer. The program must read, process, and save all the files in the folder, and it analyzes the content of each file. During this phase, a progress bar will display the current status of the operation, indicating both the percentage of completion and the number of files processed out of the total. The same progress indicator is shown both during the reading of the files from the folder and during the opening and reading of their contents.

On subsequent imports, the process will be much faster since the program will read and import only the content of new files, already knowing which data has been previously saved in the database. This way, future operations require significantly less time and ensure a smoother, more efficient workflow.

File Processing

Progress dialog

The processing of Camt files occurs in two distinct phases:

  • Reading Files in the Folder:
    In the first phase, the program analyzes the selected folder and identifies all the files present, adding them to the internal database. During this process, a progress bar is displayed, indicating how much of the file reading has been completed compared to the total number of files.
  • Reading the Content of the Files:
    Once file reading is completed, the program moves on to the second phase, in which it opens the files saved in the database, reads their content, and processes the data. In this phase, a dedicated progress bar is also shown, clearly displaying the percentage of completion and the number of files processed.

If, for any reason, one of these processes is interrupted, the program retains the data already saved. On the next import execution, it will automatically resume from where it left off, without having to start over. This ensures an efficient workflow and avoids repeating already completed processing steps.

Bank Transactions Import Dialog

The import dialog provides an overview of the processed files, the parameters used, and the transactions to be imported. You can modify the parameters in the dialog at any time, and the data will be recalculated immediately.

Folder Tab

Folder Tab

The “Folder” tab provides a general overview of the import, showing the currently selected folder, the files to be processed, and some options to filter the content.

  • Select Folder:
    Here you can view and modify the working folder path. The program constantly checks the validity of the selected path and, if the folder does not exist or is not accessible, it displays an error.
  • Renaming or Moving the Folder:
    If you change the folder’s name or location, remember to update the path in this dialog. The program stores the last used path and, if it cannot find it, will show a warning.
  • Renaming Files in the Folder:
    You can freely rename the files in the folder; the program does not rely on the file name but on its content. Even if two files have different names but identical content, the program considers them duplicates and will only import one of them.
  • Ignore Subfolders:
    By default, this option is enabled, allowing you to exclude the files located in subfolders. This is useful if, for example, you only want to import files relevant to the current accounting period, avoiding older or irrelevant data. If you disable this option, all Camt files in subdirectories will be included in the database, regardless of date or file organization.
  • Ignore Files Older Than...:
    If you set a date in this field, the program will not read the content of files older than that date. By default, files older than the accounting opening date are saved in the database but not analyzed. Adjusting this date allows you to further refine the time filter. If you enter an invalid date, the program automatically replaces it with the current date.
  • Read All Files:
    Clicking this button forces the immediate re-reading of all files in the folder instead of waiting for the normal daily check. This function is especially useful when you add new files and want to import them right away, without waiting for the next automatic update.

Bank Accounts Tab

Bank Accounts Tab

The “Bank Accounts” tab provides a detailed overview of all the bank accounts present in your accounting. For each account, the program shows both static information (such as the current balance in your accounting) and dynamic data, updated based on the latest imports.

Information Displayed for Each Account

  • Accounting Balance:
    Shows the current amount recorded in the accounting for that account.
  • Last Bank Balance:
    Displays the most recent bank balance detected directly from the Camt files. This lets you instantly compare the figure in your accounting with the actual bank amount.
  • New Transactions:
    Indicates how many new movements, not yet recorded in accounting, have been detected in the Camt files.
  • Total New Transactions:
    Shows the total monetary value of the new transactions to be imported for that account, helping you quickly assess the volume of pending operations.
  • Last Import:
    Indicates the date when the folder was last fully read, providing a useful time reference for when the last update occurred.
  • Status:
    • Updated: There are no new movements to import for this account.
    • New transactions: Unrecorded movements have been found, ready to be imported into the accounting.

Transaction Details Tab

Transaction Details Tab

In the “Transaction Details” tab, you will find all the banking operations identified in the Camt files that are not yet imported into the accounting, organized by account. This view allows you to quickly analyze pending movements, verify their relevance, and select which ones to import.

  • Selecting Transactions to Import:
    You can temporarily exclude specific transactions or, if you prefer, all those related to a particular account using the provided checkboxes. Excluded transactions are not permanently removed; they will be proposed again the next time you open the dialog, allowing you to reassess their import at any time. Currently, it’s not possible to permanently exclude a transaction.
  • Consider Only Transactions Starting from a Specific Date:
    To reduce the number of displayed movements, you can set a date from which to consider new transactions for import. By default, the program uses the accounting start date. By setting a different date, it will only display operations occurring after that day, ignoring previous ones. This function is particularly useful if, in the past, transactions were imported without a unique ID (ExternalReference column), typically when importing from CSV files. In these cases, simply set a date after the last recorded transaction to avoid re-proposing older movements. If you enter an invalid date, the program automatically replaces it with the current date.
  • Unique Identification of Transactions:
    Transactions from Camt files (052, 053, 054) should always include a unique ID as required by the ISO20022 standard. This identifier enables the program to accurately detect which movements have already been imported and which are new, reducing the risk of duplicates or errors.

Settings Tab

Settings tab

Settings Tab

In the “Settings” tab, you can manage some advanced aspects of the import process, including the possibility to restore the initial data state and define how to recognize already processed files.

  • Delete Saved Data:
    This function allows you to delete all data related to previous imports stored in the internal database. Once deletion is confirmed, you will be automatically redirected to the “Folder” tab, where the default values will be restored.
    • New Import: If you want to perform a new import after deleting the data, simply click on the “Read all files” button.
    • Limited Impact on Import Data: Deleting data from the internal database does not affect any information already present in the accounting.
    • Complete Database Removal: The command here only clears the database tables. If you want to completely remove the database, you must manually delete the “*.db” file in the selected folder.
  • Always Verify the Existence of Files Using Hashing:
    This option allows you to choose how the program identifies already processed files:
    • Hashing (slower): If you select this option, the program will compute a unique hash for each file, ensuring accurate duplicate detection even if names or paths change. However, this method can slow down file reading.
    • Check Name, Date, and Size (default): If the checkbox is not selected, the program simply compares the file name (including path), creation date, and file size to determine uniqueness. This approach is faster but may not be as robust in scenarios where files are renamed while retaining the same content.

Database File

The program uses an SQLite database to store import-related data. The first time you activate this function, if the selected folder is valid, a database file (*.db) will be created in it.

It is important not to move or delete this file, as the program uses it as a reference for all subsequent operations. In case of loss or deletion, the program will generate a new .db file, forcing you to re-read and re-process all the files in the folder.

What is Saved in the Database?

  • File List:
    All the files detected in the folder are saved. If you have chosen to ignore subfolders in the settings, the files they contain will not be saved. This option is enabled by default.
  • Bank Accounts and Related Data:
    The database stores information about the bank accounts present in the accounting. If these data are modified in the accounting file, the database updates them accordingly.
  • Imported Transactions:
    Transactions found in the opened and read files are saved in the database, allowing you to reprocess or view them later without having to re-read the files.
  • Import History:
    The program records who performed the import operations, when they were executed, and with which software version, providing a detailed historical trace of activities.

Log File

During the import process, the program generates a log file to help identify and diagnose potential issues. In case of anomalies or unexpected behavior, the log file provides detailed information about the operations performed, aiding developers in understanding the source of the error.
If you need assistance locating or interpreting the log file, contact our support team: they will guide you step-by-step to find the file within your active directory.


If no transactions are displayed for import despite having selected the correct folder, check the following:

  • Bank Accounts: Make sure that the data related to bank accounts (including IBANs) in the “Accounts” table is complete and correct.
  • Accounting Period: Check that the currently set accounting period includes the dates of the transactions you want to import. If the transactions fall outside the defined period, the program will not propose them for import.

If the problem persists after these checks, contact our technical support for further assistance.


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