Reminder Extensions Layout

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Create personalized reminder report extensions

We have published our templates on In this section you will find different basic examples.

You can save a copy of one template in your computer and make the changes you wish. In order to use your custom template in Banana you have to:

  • select the command Reports - Customers - Print reminders...
  • In the Print payment reminders dialog select Manage apps...
  • In the Manage apps dialog select Add from file... and choose your reminder report file you just created

Extensions attributes

// @id = scriptfilename.js
// @api = 1.0
// @pubdate = yyyy-mm-dd
// @publisher = yourName
// @description = script description
// @task = report.customer.reminder

Report code

The main function is printDocument(jsonReminder, repDocObj, repStyleObj).

  • The  parameter jsonReminder object contains the data,
  • repDocObj is the document object.
  • repStyleObj is the stylesheet object where you can add styles.
function printDocument(jsonReminder, repDocObj, repStyleObj) {
  var param = initParam();
  var savedParam = Banana.document.getScriptSettings();
  if (savedParam.length > 0) {
    param = JSON.parse(savedParam);
    param = verifyParam(param);
  printReminder(jsonReminder, repDocObj, repStyleObj, param);

The function settingsDialog() is called from Banana when you select the button Params... from dialog Manage apps. You can write any code you need for your script.

/*Update script's parameters*/
function settingsDialog() {
   var param = initParam();
   var savedParam = Banana.document.getScriptSettings();
   if (savedParam.length > 0) {
      param = JSON.parse(savedParam);
   param = verifyParam(param);
   var paramString = JSON.stringify(param);
   var value = Banana.document.setScriptSettings(paramString);


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