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    Transaction Voucher (Banana+)


    This Banana Plus extension creates a report with details of the transaction for the selected voucher number.

    Accounting settings

    From menu File > File and accounting properties > Accounting Tab, enter the project number/name in the Header Left field.

    How it works

    • For each transaction of the Transactions table enter the voucher number in the Doc column.
    • From the Transactions table of the accounting file select a row with the desired voucher number you want to create the report.
      The voucher number is taken from the selected row where the cursor is positioned, but you can also change it manually into settings dialog.
    • Launch the extension from the menu Extensions > Transaction Voucher (Banana+).
    • In the settings dialog window enter the required information.
      • Logo
        Check to include the logo in the header.
        The logo is defined with the command File > Logo setup where you can also set the size, choose how to align it (left, centre, right).
      • Logo-Name
        Enter the name of the logo customisation defined in the menu File > Logo setup, respecting upper and lower case.
      • Title
      • Voucher number
      • Paid to
      • Paid in
      • Cheque No.
      • Payment Received by
      • Paid by
      • Prepared by
      • Verified by
      • Recommended by
      • Approved by
    • All the values entered are saved and proposed the next time.
    • The extension will print the information entered in the dialog plus the data of the transaction with the specified Voucher / Doc number.


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