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La documentazione più completa e aggiornata è quella di Banana Contabilità Plus: Provalo subito

In this article

The whole API (Application Program Interface) made available for Banana is under the namespace "Banana".
The are different objects and methods that belong to the name space Banana, that can be accessed by the javascript at run time:

Data formats


Date values are in ISO 8601 format "YYYY-MM-DD".


Decimal values have a  '.' (dot) as decimal separator and doesn't have a group separator. For example: "12345.67".

Decimal values are rounded according to the accounting settings.


Text values can contain any character supported by UTF-8.


Time values are in ISO 8601 format "HH:MM:SS". The formats "HH:MM" and "HH:MM:SS.ZZZ" are also accepted.



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