Invoice Dialog Add and Edit Invoices

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The Invoice and Estimate dialog allows invoice data to be entered and edited. 

Open the Dialog

The dialog can be opened via:

  • For the Invoice
    • The Invoice menu > New invoice.
    • The Invoice menu > Edit invoice.
    • The Invoice table > Double-click on the invoice line of relevance, in the Address column.
    • The Invoice table > Double-click on the invoice line of relevance, in the Total Amount column.
    • From the ID column, click on the small icon Edit invoice on the right-hand-side of the cell.
  • For the Estimate 
    • The Invoice menu > New estimate.
    • The Invoice menu > Edit estimate.
    • The Estimate table > Double-click on the estimate line of relevance, in the Address column.
    • The Estimate table > Double-click on the estimate line of relevance, in the Total Amount column.
    • From the ID column, click on the small icon Edit estimate on the right-hand-side of the cell.

Dialog Sections

The dialogue is divided into two sections:

  • Invoice
  • Settings
    • In the Invoice settings section, parameters for new documents and interface settings of the invoice dialogue are defined.



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