In this article
This command converts an existing file with established settings into another one with different characteristics:
- Change language
- Change the roundings
- Change the file type. For example:
- Pass from an accounting without VAT to one with VAT
- Pass from a Double-entry accounting to a Multi-currency accounting
The existing file characteristics can be consulted by executing the command Tools->File Info
Creation and data transfer
Command: Tools ->Convert to new file:
- Creates a new file of the specified type with the predefined setup of the columns
- Transfers the data into the new file, proceding with the necessary conversions
- Save and indicate the name of the new file.
In the case of converting a file with more options into one that has fewer options, a part of the data will be lost during conversion. If, for example, an accounting file with VAT/Sales tax is converted into an accounting file without VAT/Sales tax, during conversion all data in the VAT columns will be lost.
Passing from a Double-entry accounting to a Multi-currency
- Make sure that in the File and accounting properties the currency symbol is being specified (which will become the basic currency)
- Choose the Multi-currency accounting as the destination
- The program creates a Multi-currency accounting, recovering the existing data:
- The Transactions table includes the columns for managing the Multi-currency accounting, as a currency the basic currency and the exchange rate 1.000
- The existing accounts in the Accounts table are being completed with the basic currency symbol
- The Exchange rate table will be empty; it is therefore necessary to add the currencies and exchange rates used in the transactions
- In the Accounts table, the accounts in foreign currency have to be added.
Passing from an accounting without VAT to one with VAT
- Choose the desired type of accounting with VAT as the destination
- The program creates an accounting with the VAT columns, recovering the existing data
- The File properties regarding the VAT have to be completed, in particular the default acccount on which the VAT must be recorded has to be indicated
- The VAT Codes table has to be completed with the necessary VAT Codes
With the Import to accounting command -> VAT codes, the VAT codes table of an existing accounting can be imported (from, for example, a default VAT acccounting template).
- The file type, in which the user is working, is being indicated
- For more information on the language, roundings and decimals, go to the File and accounting properties
- A list with the different options appears
Outline to create new file
For more information, please consult the specific page.