To create the Time sheet file for the new year, there are two options:
- Download the Time sheet Template with Predefined Holidays for the New Year.
- Use the Create New Year Command from the Actions Menu.
New Year Time sheet from Default Template
This is the recommended procedure. The template already includes predefined holidays according to the country.
In this case, you need to:
- Start Banana Accounting
- Go to File > New
- Choose Time sheet as the file type
- Select one of the proposed templates as the Time sheet
There are the following predefined templates:
Time Sheet - Systematic Recording
This model is ideal for those who need to record work hours by specifying the start and end times for all working days defined in the Basic settings (Menu File > File Properties (Basic Data) > Start section).
In the Journal table of this model, there are the following main columns:
- Start, Stop, Due, Difference and Progressive
By entering the start time and end time in their respective columns, the program automatically calculates and inserts the hours worked, the difference between the hours worked and the hours due, and the balance of hours in the Progressive column. If the balance is negative, the hours worked are less than the hours due; conversely, if the balance is positive.
Time Sheet - Simplified Recording
This model is ideal for those who record the total hours worked daily without specifying the start and end times.
In the Journal table of this model, there are the following main columns:
- Work 1, Work 2, Due, Difference, and Progressive.
Unlike the systematic recording model, the start and end times are not entered; instead, the total hours worked are recorded. The program automatically fills in the Due column (for the hours of work required by the contract), the Difference column (between the hours worked and the hours due), and the Progressive column (for the balance of hours).
Time sheet - Hourly Wage
This model is to be used in cases where work is paid by the hour without a fixed salary. Therefore, in the Basic settings (Menu File > File Properties (Basic Data) > Start section), the Start dialog remains empty without indicating the hours due.
The columns are identical to those in the Time sheet - Systematic Recording and Time sheet - Simplified Recording templates. The difference lies in the Progressive column because, starting from February, the Due Code column contains the code RP (Restart Progressive) to ensure that the Progressive column resets and does not display the balance of hours, as payments are made monthly.
Once the template is saved with a name, it is necessary to manually carry over the balances for overtime and vacations from the previous year.
- Menu File > File Properties (Basic Data) to enter the employee's data.
New Year Timesheet Using the Create New Year Command
This procedure involves creating the new year's timesheet starting from the previous year's file:
- Open the previous year's Time sheet file.
- Menu Actions > Create New Year.
- Save As the new Time sheet.
In this case, the balances for overtime and vacations from the previous year are automatically carried over to File Properties (Basic Data) > Start section (Menu File). The initial data is also carried over to the initial rows of the Journal table, where you need to enter all the hours for the vacation days to which you are entitled in the Start row.
Attention: Public holidays are carried over as they were in the previous year. Therefore, it is necessary to verify all holidays and correct them manually.