
    Update Dates in the accounting file


    This extension updates the opening and closure accounting dates of the open document with the current year, and also updates the rows dates of the Transaction and the Budget tables.

    In order to change the accounting data, the extension uses the Document Change API. For more information visit How-to update Accounting Dates using Document Change.

    Install the extension

    To install the extension:

    • Open Banana Accounting Plus.
    • Menu Extensions > Manage Extensions.
    • In the search field enter Update Dates in the accounting file.
    • From the extensions list select Update Dates in the accounting file.
    • Select the extension and click Install.
    • Click Close to close the window.

    Change accounting dates

    To change accounting dates using the extension:

    1. Open an accounting file.
    2. From the Extensions menu select the Update Dates in the accounting file.
    3. A confirmation window dialogue shows all the sections and tables of the accounting where dates will be changed.
    4. Confirm with OK to apply the changes to the accounting file.





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