
    Reconcile account with mt940/ISO20022 file


    This extension takes as input an electronic bank statemant (MT940 or ISO20022) and compare day by day with the account statements and shows differences.

    It is very usefull for finding transactions not recordered or incorrectly recorded.

    Install the extension

    To install the extension:

    • Open Banana Accounting Plus.
    • Menu Extensions > Manage Extensions.
    • In the search field enter Reconcile account with mt940/ISO20022 file.
    • From the extensions list select Reconcile account with mt940/ISO20022 file.
    • Select the extension and click Install.
    • Click Close to close the window.

    Create the report

    To creare the report:

    1. Open the accounting file.
    2. From the Extensions menu select the Reconcile account with mt940/ISO20022 file.
    3. Select the electronic bank statement (MT940 or ISO20022).
    4. Enter the account number.

    A window with results is displayed. You can copy, save and print the results.





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