Import transactions


The most complete and up-to-date documentation is the one of Banana Accounting Plus: Try it now

In this article

New import extensions

In the new version Banana Accounting Plus, you will find new extensions for importing data from SmartBusiness and also files in .zip format.
We advise you to switch now to Banana Accounting Plus and take advantage of the many new features.

Procedure for the import

  1. Choose Import transactions
  2. Choose the file type from which to import
  3. Indicate the file name
  4. Choose the transactions to be imported

File types that can be imported

Import transactions from an Income & Expenses accounting file

In order to import transactions from an Income & Expenses accounting file into a double-entry accounting file, it is necessary that the categories of the Income & Expenses file correspond to the accounts of the Double-entry accounting file.

Import Cash book transactions

Apart from importing the transactions, an import summary per month or quarter can also be obtained. 

See the specific page Import Cash book transactions

Import Double-entry accounting transactions

In order to import transactions from a Double-entry accounting file into another Double-entry accounting file, it is necessary that the accounts correspond.

Import transactions from Bank statement ISO 20022 or MT 940

See page Bank Statement ISO 20022

Import data in Txt

This file type is being used to import data coming from another program and that have been specifically formatted in order to be transferred into Banana Accounting.

Here are the technical indications (English) for creating a file to be imported in Banana Accounting.

Other formats (Import filters)

According to the installed import files, as explained on the page Managing filters, other import filters can be made available.
Its is possible to create one's own scripts that uncode the data contained in one's own files, more info here (English).


Choice of rows to be imported

After having elaborated the rows to be imported, the program displays a dialog, in which the user can indicate further options.

Select transactions

Start date, End date
Insert the start and end dates of the period related to the transfer of the transactions. The period can also be selected automatically in the boxes under the data area.

Auto complete values
The option is only necessary with accounting with VAT/Sales tax and multi-currency. If activated, it allows the automatic completion of the values that are missing in the imported data (for example, the exchange rate in the exchange rate table or the VAT code for the transactions with VAT/Sales tax).

Complete the transactions with

These options automatically activate when data from bank or postal account statements or receipt and payment transactions of an account in test format are imported.

Initial document number
This is the document number assigned to the first imported transaction.

Destination account
Insert the bank account number of the chart of accounts related to the imported extract.


Frequently Asked Questions

I see don't see the format for the bank statement of my bank
Click on "Manage filters...", followed by "Update filters" and enable the filter for the desired format.

I see don't see the format for the Xml account statement of the Postfinance (file .tgz)
This format is no longer supported. Please contact the Postfinance and ask to receive the statements in ISO 20022 format.

The following message appears 'This ISO 20022 file doesn't contain a bank statement (camt.052/053/054)'
This error message is being displayed when the ISO 20022 file doesn't contain a bank statement. The ISO 20022 format is a generic format that can contain different types of information, like the bank statement and the payment confirmations In Banana Accounting, only the bank statements can be imported (camt.052/053/054).

My bank is not in the list of supported formats
It is possible to create filters for formats that have not yet been implemented. We have also paid support available for the implementation of customized formats.

